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Tags artist:Zargothrax casually_underdressed character:Gharug_gro-Upp clover Luck
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Zargothrax: We have reached post #7777 on the booru, yay! Let's celebrate with what is probably the luckiest post here.
Really had to rush this one though. (Unlike >>6666, my entry for the most satanic post)

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NotGodOkay: Am I lucky?

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SaintDumos: Gigachad Gharug let's gooo
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TempIntel: Now this is epic! *fades away

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Rick2tails: why are you drawing a ripped shrek? bleh!
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GrizzlyBear: The immense amount of luck emanating from Gharug simply would not let you miss the #7777 spot

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Zargothrax: @NotGodOkay: I hope so! Or at least, luckier than that sad yellow cat.
@SaintDumos: Yeah! But let's hope he's not bullying kittens anymore, that is a particularly uncool thing to do.
@TempIntel: Thanks!
@Rick2tails: Shrek is love.
@GrizzlyBear: Now that you mention it, I did indeed need luck for claiming the spot, others could have uploaded sooner after #7776 than I did. Maybe you are right, thanks Gharug!
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GrizzlyBear: Oh I’ll be there when #77777 rolls around...

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Hapumf: I overload my muscles everyday to look like him