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Uploader TempIntel,
Tags Anvil_docks artist:TempIntel character:Katia_Managan docks rags redraw text
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TempIntel: Had an idea to redraw the first (possibly) known fanart.

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TheGibusGuy: The biggest doe eyes. How could you say no to those?
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TempIntel: woops, I was in a rush https://i.imgur.com/UgxKOLa.png
Katia has 2 eyes who would've known :/

I like frostedWarlock's pic, it has a sense of unease and uncertainty about it, Katia doesn't know what lies ahead and must put aside her fears to be the best version of herself she can be. I hope I was able to capture the feeling...

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TheGibusGuy: I think you can ask to get it updated right?

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Radiocaster: Yea, you can just report your own image and include a link to the new one and ask for it to be replaced
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GrizzlyBear: This isn’t a knock against this at all cuz I like it, but imo the emotions don’t quite match. Looks like you took the shape of the eyelid and applied it to her eyebrow, giving it a whole different expression. To me, yours seems more alert, nervous, and slightly annoyed, while the original just looks tired and gloomy. Not saying one is better than the other, they just have different vibes
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TempIntel: @GrizzlyBear I see what you mean, the og pic has "woke up at 3am and not having any milk for your cereal" kinda expression

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Jig_Bigga: awwh she looks so tense… she really looks like she needs some solace

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Kazerad: Replaced! It has been so long since I got to use that feature, usually the other mods are faster.

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Kazerad: (Also since I'm here I should add that this is a lovely fanart and that is indeed the first fanart Prequel ever got)

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_ghouldaddy_: Revisiting the classics I see