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MikeyTheFox: Here is a screenshot of this weekend's Beta that just ended. As I stated in my last post I don't have my "Katia Managan" character anymore and I now have a Katia character under the name "Pineapplekitten" I also made a Quill-Weave for this week's beta because Quill doesn't get enough love.

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Gren: Honestly, I think argonians are getting increasingly disgusting by every new game of the saga. They just don't look like Argonians anymore. Now they're just some sort of slimy dinosaurs.

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ZizZazZuz: @Gren: At least they don't look like humans with scales. May I direct your attention to the Mer...

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comkiller: @Gren: Please don't compare ESO with the actual series; it makes my ears bleed. The only connection is licensing rights.

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Gren: @comkiller: Yeah, I know but still! In Skyrim, Argonians were too much ugly and Khajiits weren't much different from bipedal house cats.

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Nefel: Gren's got a point there, ESO Argonians and Skyrim ones are very similar (read: butt ugly). They go hard on the lizard bit. I would have liked to have been able to soften the bone ridges on the cheeks/eyebrow

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comkiller: @Nefel: I'ma chalk this up to personal tastes so this doesn't get out of hand, because I feel they look pretty consistent and cool, not to mention the fact that they ARE bipedal lizards and cats.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: Personally, think the newer beast races look a lot better than the old ones

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Gren: Well, I guess I can admit that Khajiits and Argonians have improved compared to how they were in Skyrim. Not the graphics but their appearance.

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Prophet_Lord: My favorite beast races were from Morrowind.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: imo the skyrim beasties were the best