DAEDRIC FUN TIP: All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names. Image Uploader AMKitsune, December 26, 2014; 05:21 Tags artist:Cider bed books character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia good_end happy knock_off lego mouse Operation_De-Suckify_Christmas Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible December 26, 2014; 05:23 - Reply AMKitsune: a quick edit of a picture from Kazerad's lego donation thingie and now that it's over, I might as well put it here. #MakingACatSmile December 26, 2014; 06:16 - Reply POMA: I believe this one's author is actally Cider. December 26, 2014; 14:26 - Reply CaptainLackwit: Aawww~... December 27, 2014; 12:05 - Reply Blockhead: Now you can build anything out of those legos :D January 4, 2015; 04:48 - Reply VashTheStampede: Merry Christmas!
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