DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Challenge the rules at your own peril. Image Uploader tronn, March 8, 2015; 14:16 Tags accidents_happen artist:Mediocre_Scrublord character:Sleeps-Darkly fish Hand_to_Hand Kvatch_arena_armor Kvatch_well poison racial_bonus red_eyes slaughterfish strife text Yellow_Team Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible March 8, 2015; 17:36 - Reply PermanentFace: I feel I should note that Sleeps-Darkly wouldn't necessarily notice/care if poison were introduced to the well. Argonians are immune. March 8, 2015; 19:01 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: yeah i noticed that after drawing it i was gonna post a version without the poison, so it would just be lizardkat karate kicking fish but SOMEONE *glares at tronn* beat me to it. March 8, 2015; 19:01 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: jk i love you, tronn <3 March 9, 2015; 00:53 - Reply tronn: The poison adds to ambiance.
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i noticed that after drawing it
i was gonna post a version without the poison, so it would just be lizardkat karate kicking fish but SOMEONE *glares at tronn* beat me to it.
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i love you, tronn
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