Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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POMA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
But seriously, no.

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Sasquatch_boote: Doing a lot of censor bars lately, huh scrubby?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: yeah
there was a thread
it was wild

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Sasquatch_boote: Is that how they come nowadays? Just cut a censor bar off of your spool of censor thread you get from the u.s. census office?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: you seem very...


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Sky_the_Cat: That burn was punny.

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Sasquatch_boote: Im just putting in my two cens. No need to get defcensive. I wasnt trying to be incensative.
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Mr_Darkwraith: The Sistine chapel got nothing on this.

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Bob: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) What.

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korblborp: censor puns... i feel Companions of Xanth memories...