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Tags argonian Cookie_Memorial dodger:_break_the_law food photo
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Eating: Thumbs up from me

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Adroma: Woah this is really cool, with some *very* careful icing, this could be a baking masterpiece.

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CaptainLackwit: That looks *difficult*

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AMKitsune: Holy sh.... From the thumbnail, I though this was just going to be a mess of baked cookie dough. Turns out to be more of an intricately arranged, well made mess of baked cookie dough.
Amazing work.

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Tahrey: Damn, that's inspired. Also brave.

Are you going to ice it?

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Kewot_Rokar: My god... This would be amazing if it wasn't so depressing! Maybe if we made this into a pancake, then they could get their spa day!

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doodlemancer: this is amazing!..now for some icing/chocolate to highlight the lines...