DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences. Image Uploader TodoDeygulash, December 13, 2015; 12:39 Tags artist:Todo_Deygulash casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow dwemer_automaton green_eyes Katia's_wizard_robe Kvatch_arena_armor merchandise Robo-Butt™ Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible December 13, 2015; 13:15 - Reply MetalC0Mmander: Why the spike at the end of the tail? December 13, 2015; 14:29 - Reply Nefel: for plugging into things and/or checking the temperature of food December 13, 2015; 14:52 - Reply Olaffson: The tag Robo-Butt™ killed me! XD December 13, 2015; 15:32 - Reply CaptainLackwit: i have so many questions and so many mixed feelings December 13, 2015; 15:54 - Reply MetalC0Mmander: @Nefel: Vampirism implied? December 13, 2015; 16:05 - Reply TodoDeygulash: @CaptainLackwit there is no need to confused. It is a pure and indisputable fact that robots are perfection itself. December 13, 2015; 19:35 - Reply Kewot_Rokar: Well... She's been Synthified. December 14, 2015; 05:03 - Reply Tahrey: *Robutt™, surely December 15, 2015; 03:23 - Reply CaptainLackwit: @TodoDeygulash: Oh, right. How could I forget? Time to go play Metal Crusher on loop. March 3, 2016; 14:51 - Reply Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm pretty sure it's like Robocop's Data Spike.
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