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Tags acrobatics artist:POMA character:Katia_Managan fire green_eyes Katia's_Thief_Tunic
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POMA: And again I failed at drawing things I wanted. Initial plan was about memes and shovels...

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OppoQuinn: I like to imagine she found one of these: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Scroll_of_Icarian_Flight#Scroll_of_Icarian_Flight

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Tahrey: Is this the point where she discovers that a bathtub full of Bug Musk is actually incredibly volatile and violently flammable even in liquid form let alone when filling an enclosed area with vapour?

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AMKitsune: I can't get over how adorable she is in this picture. It's probably because of her proportions here, but I keep thinking that she looks like a 'Micro Katia' that could live in your breast pocket and that you could take with you on your travels.

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Tahrey: Pocket Khajiit!
Your miniature friend!
Pocket Khajiit!
Your friendship never ends!
Pocket Khajiit!
Avoiding disasters like wow!
Pocket Khajiit!
Available in toystores now.

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Tahrey: I'd be wary of the whole "Katia in my Pocket" thing, though, if actually animate. I've seen that "Granpa in my Pocket" TV show. Things usually go badly and are only saved by an amusing confluence of several deus ex machina and the infuriating, unrealistic ignorance of all the other adults involved in the scene.

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Kewot_Rokar: Falling towards the sky! Waiting for my ride!