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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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CaptainLackwit: But why is she blue?

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Nefel: Da ba dee da ba die

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Tahrey: Can we all please have a Tome of Not Sucking, I certainly need one

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I wonder if anyone's monitor displays blue as yellow.. in any case, I like this! You did a nice job.

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Boogeestro: @CaptainLackWit Oh that's just me being lazy. All of my sketches are typically blue, and i was too lazy (and sleepy) to ink and color it... so a quick blue fill and BAM, done-ish.

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Boogeestro: And I sheet you not, I'm blue was my favorite childhood song... so I'm glad that was brought up.

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Tahrey: Oh no ... there's at least one of them in the world.

This planet must be cleansed. Commence exterminatus.

BTW, ASW, if you import the picture into a sufficiently advanced image editor - specifically, one that allows you to separate the picture out into its component RGB, CMYK or HSL fields, or even just do a circular hue shift, you can either perform the latter, or recombine the components in different ways so that grey stays grey, but blue exchanges places with yellow and so-on. Might have unpredictable effects on the fire colour, but, hey, it's there to be played with.

In this case I'd start by switching Y with C, which should turn Kati amber-yellow (and the fire somewhat purple, and the garment trim a little more towards the orange), as well as adjusting the colours o the book and text.

If that's no good, well, er... blue, in the rgb scheme, is essentially a dropping-out of red and green (to varying extents depending on whether you want more cyan or more indigo), so the possibilities might be a little more limited, but you could turn her a sort of orangey or greenish colour maybe and then blame it on the lighting. Or maybe pinkish and say it was another razor incident. Erm.

Hue rotation might be safest, though that could result in blue or even green fire.