Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...
MetalC0Mmander: @Kazerad: Awful or brilliant? Because the really bad ones are the ones with katia but you have to admit that there was a spark there before the inevetable betreyal.
Love will prevail! And that's why we are all doomed.
Tahrey: OK, well, if it disappears, I'll just rehost it. No probs.
Also, no, I didn't draw diddly, except that which was needed to tidy things up. I just saw someone else's edit of the same chart somewhere which included a Forever Alone in Quill's spot, and there was that other pic which had a load of MSPainted ships all in one place (which is where I wanted to insert this anyway), and it just fit together so beautifully I was literally powerless to stop it happening.
Also if you follow it along it suggests there might be some remote chance for a series of awful slashfics involving Stephane and S'thengir.
Tahrey: Wait ... my ships are... awful?! You're saying I made bad ships? Me? The great and lovable Tahrey?
How can you say such things? I don't understand... I thought we were finally friends like you waaaanteeed...
Hmph. Whatever. My ships are awesome and perfect. Just because YOU can't understand their magnificence, that doesn't make them wrong ... stop repressing me with your author-privilege you... you entitled CLLLAAAAA-OD!
Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible
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Love will prevail! And that's why we are all doomed.
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Also, no, I didn't draw diddly, except that which was needed to tidy things up. I just saw someone else's edit of the same chart somewhere which included a Forever Alone in Quill's spot, and there was that other pic which had a load of MSPainted ships all in one place (which is where I wanted to insert this anyway), and it just fit together so beautifully I was literally powerless to stop it happening.
Also if you follow it along it suggests there might be some remote chance for a series of awful slashfics involving Stephane and S'thengir.
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How can you say such things? I don't understand... I thought we were finally friends like you waaaanteeed...
Hmph. Whatever. My ships are awesome and perfect. Just because YOU can't understand their magnificence, that doesn't make them wrong ... stop repressing me with your author-privilege you... you entitled CLLLAAAAA-OD!
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Bonus flufflink as compensation for any stress caused:
holy shit how and why