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Radian: Veeeery experimental thing. She badass enough to "battle" with Mad God. Don't kill him please D:
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DistantRoarOfWar: Holy jesus what

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AMKitsune: Well this makes about as much sense as anything else that mad god says or does.
If I had to guess though, I'd imagine this scene might sound a little something like this
After all, one's barking mad and the other's a, well, a 'cat like person'.

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angrybacteria: Is that cheese? Please tell me that's cheese :)

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Radian: @angrybacteria: It's cheese, don't worry.

@AMKitsune: Y-yeah, not the best Katia that I drew. Honestly she is really bad :(

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AMKitsune: @Radian: Don't worry, I don't know if it's even possible to look 'cool' while having a mouth based tug of war with a length of cheese (words I didn't expect to type today).
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MetalC0Mmander: @angrybacteria @Radian: Honestly it looks more like a sponge to me.

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Radian: @MetalC0Mmander: My bad.

@AMKitsune: If I used ref and spent more time she would be better, in terms of technique.

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Makkon: No worries, I wouldn't for Katia to kill this guy, he's not particularly evil or harmful. It might be fun to show her just hanging out with some aedra rather than just killing everything.

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Kewot_Rokar: Nice attention to facial emotions. Most people would forget about drawing the ears on Katia downward.

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Nyflex: I think they love each other :3
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BadReligion: @Nyflex: Yes, love to cheese can connect people. :3

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Geravind: =О_О=
Этот арт должен лежать рядом с клипом Такежана.
Теперь Кхаджит потерял не только здоровый сон, но и веру в то, что в зубах у них сыр, а не девайс сомнительного назначения.

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Nyflex: @BadReligion: That's very romantic :3

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Toryu-Mau: Because making sense is never enough, nor is it amusing to do so.

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Skyrim_Apprentice: And thus
Cat Sheogorath was born

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ImaIntuitor: I made an account just to say how awesome this is!!!

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SrLupinotuum: This thing is evoking an .mp3 of dogs figthing sounds in my brain!!