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Rick2tails: got this in a stream by Kaz. I`m foxcoon man and Katia is the girl wonder. my shapely sidekick

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: That's cute! I enjoy her little K on the suit.

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EKToRNo: Is Katia not wearing pants?

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bluedraggy: I was about to say "of course she is! Just those skin tight superhero ones. Then I noticed the fur around her boot. Suddenly the "snapp" made sense. Thank you ektorno! Now I get it. And rick2tails, would you mind moving, say, a bit more to Your right?

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Rick2tails: yeah heh I didnt even notice it until I scanned it in a little bit ago

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Bluedragon: Guess who's doing some photoshop coloring? I was going to do the Katiawoman one but now this one has superseded it. Rick2tails - I'll check with you before I post it though since I figure you're, like, it's owner.

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Rick2tails: @bluedragon thats cool. I appreciate getting heads up.that way if somethings colored wrong I could tell you.

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Dugar: "Fur force go!"

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Bluedragon: Hey Rick2tails - I just sent you a note over at FA with the URL for my colored version. Let me know if it's okay to post. I think you'll like it though, and I did revise the one tail to be a 'coon tail btw.