DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Mortals cannot be trusted to make decisions on their own. Peruse other images to make sure you are tagging properly. Image Uploader Stankloid, April 5, 2017; 03:58 Tags accidents_happen action_pose artist:Kazerad blood character:Katia_Managan grievous_bodily_harm Katia's_wizard_robe looking_badass teeth text Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible April 5, 2017; 04:06 - Reply Stankloid: Katia has a weapon she is not in the least bit qualified to use, and is a danger to herself and those around her. April 5, 2017; 05:26 - Reply GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I really doubt that, Katia. Well, to yourself, maybe? April 5, 2017; 06:15 - Reply gpainfox55: https://youtu.be/9EeHtFCcVXU :/ April 5, 2017; 06:47 - Reply forestOverlord: This is a very well executed drawing and quite distressing. April 5, 2017; 06:58 - Reply BadReligion: Yes, you are, for yourself... Dark Princess confirmed... http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/princeofpersia/images/a/ab/DarkPrince.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20140318130344&path-prefix=en April 5, 2017; 13:00 - Reply 8Aerondight8: This is kind of like the whip lightsaber. It might sound cool but really it's just asking for serious injury. April 5, 2017; 14:25 - Reply Riddle78: Alright,who gave Katia a threaded cane!? April 5, 2017; 18:18 - Reply Preston_Garvey: YOOOOOU MUST WHIP IT! April 8, 2017; 05:58 - Reply GoodIdeasAreOverrated: But no seriously, those wounds look nasty! Half of them looks like they're hanging by a fiber. April 9, 2017; 15:48 - Reply Dugar: Bloodborne June 7, 2017; 05:33 - Reply korblborp: oh katia, no.
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Dark Princess confirmed...
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