DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Separate multiple tags with spaces. Separate words of the same tag with underscores ("_"). Image Uploader theladystone, April 10, 2017; 15:38 Tags character:Gharug_gro-Upp character:Katia_Managan character:Rajirra crossover For_honor inconsistent_rendering knock_off Luck Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible April 10, 2017; 15:39 - Reply theladystone: Quality photoshop April 10, 2017; 16:23 - Reply GoodIdeasAreOverrated: 0/10 adventurers outfit not enough arena clothes April 10, 2017; 17:29 - Reply MetalC0Mmander: Shouldn't it be vyking, knight, samurai rather than samurai, vyking, knight? April 11, 2017; 01:42 - Reply Riddle78: "Why did I do it,Your Honour? For Honour,Your Honour." April 11, 2017; 03:57 - Reply BadReligion: Oh well, honor for all Of the big and the small Well, they taller they stand Well, harder they fall ... ... ...wth is this
Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible
- Reply
Of the big and the small
Well, they taller they stand
Well, harder they fall
...wth is this