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Lykozze: Katia demonstrates how to fight like a witch hunter using bear traps.
This is my favourite alternative way to dismantle enemies in Skyrim with the Ordinator mod installed. Some lockpicking perks allows you to place powerful traps, but instead of luring enemies to them I like to use telekinesis to throw them around like a madman and using them as shield against arrows and magic. But just like with scissors I would strongly advise against running with them in front of your face.

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Pronin: Nice image, but there's something really off about her body, but I just can't put my finger on what the problem is.

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Toryu-Mau: Casually tossing armed bear traps at would-be assailants does sound like a sure way to make an eccentric reputation for one self.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Throwing bear traps

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Rick2tails: this looks nice to me

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BlackMessa: Use them like frisbees.