Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.


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YeOldeCuckolde: They're pretty much the same person anyway, amirite?

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Skoon: d'aaw

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Lykozze: They do look similar! But why does the bartender look so feminine?!

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fastolaf: katia looks good with long hair. and rajirra looks better with short hair!

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Enheldor: So the unnamed khajiit from Anvil is finally show, with both long hair and short hair!

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realbboy: @Lykozze: What emote is that? Intoxication?

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Lykozze: @realbboy: Yes, I found the lack of this emotion disturbing! I just took the "indecision" and changed it just a tiny bit. The file was even named "intoxication".

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Nyflex: Not sure did they switch clothes or Katia grow her hair while Rajirra get a haircut

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Rick2tails: its face swap prequel edition!

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Raydio: @lykozze Are you telling me we could customize emotes this whole damn time??

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @fastolaf: But it would be better if Katia had it in BRAIDS.

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AMKitsune: Assuming an outfit switch (for whatever reason), this could actually make sense. I'm sure Katia wouldn't be all that happy to see Rajirra again and Rajirra would probably want to try to appear as friendly and approachable as possible, considering their last encounter.

@Raydio: No, yes, sort of? You can embed images with bbcode, so there's little stopping anyone from making their own edits, uploading them somewhere else and them embedding them here.
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YeOldeCuckolde: @AMKitsune: If that was the case, then we're assuming that whatever is happening in the picture happens after the imp-ending, which doesn't make much sense looking at how kvatch arena armor is still intact. Either it has to be covered in blood, or Rajirra should be wearing the stealth set already.
The only logical explanation left is THE DRAGON BREAK.

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AMKitsune: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: ...Because she's a right bitch?
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picartosux: @AMKitsune: I like how after you say that I notice some new emotes on the booru which I definitely didn't see yesterday:

You cheeky bastard.

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realbboy: Personally I think this might have been depicting a 'life swap'.

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Raydio: ^^^
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MetalC0Mmander: @YeOldeCuckolde: Or she got an other armor from the arena.

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Rick2tails: could it be freaky friday prequel?

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Toryu-Mau: Huh, this works better then I imagined!