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Tags 4chan animation Anvil_docks artist:anonymous law_enforcement missing_tail Safety_hat
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tronn: ""Katia Manxagan"

"What, no, that was just the first thing that popped into my mind! My real name is-"

"Sorry catface, already wrote it down. They don't just hand these immigration forms out, you know."

"Oh...I guess I can just use it as a nickname, then..."

"Yeah, no, it's all official and shit. Most will just call you Katia, if that's any console."

You heave a sigh as the guard walks off, and remember there are worse ways you've began a day."
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Asperger_kitten_1337: pretty sure she couldn't stand upright if she didn't have a tail
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Azure: I hope this continues up to the point where the original is.

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furnut: ears still slightly wiggling...