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Asperger_kitten_1337: it's... beautiful

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stirfrytoasty: It reminds me of that hyper realistic picture of Homer Simpson.

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Rick2tails: this is very cute!

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AMKitsune: This reminds me of the panel 'repaints' that I used to do...
Except this is so much better than anything I did XD.

Hopefully we'll be seeing more of these in the future .

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Sashimi: Very nice! I like seeing Katia smiling.

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DarthVader: Truly amazing!

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asotil122: Man, I love this moment between katia and asotil.and a time where she has fun with a person who does not want to take advantage of her, asotil and the best soldier.crzy but is the best!

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ASOTILisTHEBEST: This is one of the best part of the comic, and as if katia was enjoying a moment that rarely happens in her life

That's why I love Asotil, even though he was is crazy he was the one who helped Katia most to have confidence .