DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions. Image Uploader I_am_allergic, January 12, 2018; 16:17 Tags amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan Kvatch_arena_armor magic_fire snow streets_of_Kvatch Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible January 12, 2018; 16:27 - Reply Rick2tails: OMG! this is fantastic! feature masterpiece this now! :) January 12, 2018; 16:56 - Reply Norad2: My gosh where is this storm of art coming from?! Great one, by the way! January 12, 2018; 17:34 - Reply damrok4321: Arrrgh! Please teach me how to draw from different perspectives! This is amazing! January 12, 2018; 22:05 - Reply Shotgun_Observations: My perverted ass thought that was the yo-yo on her hand January 13, 2018; 05:49 - Reply WBGaming81: The shading is amazing
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Great one, by the way!
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