DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart. Image Uploader lapma, February 25, 2018; 12:52 Tags amulet_of_silence character:Katia_Managan Katia's_wizard_robe pineapple wabbajack Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible February 25, 2018; 21:42 - Reply AMKitsune: Were those pineapples transformed from something/someone else? Was there only one to begin with but was duplicated into another? Is she yet to even use the Wabbajack on them? So many possibilities. February 26, 2018; 06:18 - Reply Un_Mapache: But what if, WHAT IF KATIA TRANSFORMED INTO A WABBAJACK BUT THE WABBAJACK ALSO TRANSFORMED INTO A KATIA AT THE SAME TIME??? February 26, 2018; 08:20 - Reply Sunny: Is it even possible to do the jojo-and-pineapple trick with two pineapples? March 9, 2018; 01:53 - Reply Toryu-Mau: ... And here we see a prime example of unfathomable power falling into the wrong hands. Or paws in this case. >):^/
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Was there only one to begin with but was duplicated into another?
Is she yet to even use the Wabbajack on them?
So many possibilities.
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Or paws in this case. >):^/