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Oak in Grey Hollow

Chapter 4 - Customer Service

After reporting back to Hollow, the two ate a quick bite before MIra dressed for the evening. Hollow handed her a long blonde wig with a tiara, the center jewel being a soul gem. He then explained that when activated with a touch, the enchanted wig would appear to all eyes as her own hair. However, already she had begun to notice that all of Hollow’s enchantments carried a balancing aspect, and she asked him about this one.

“Ah! You learn quickly, as I expected! In this case, the enchantment joins the hair on the wig to your own head. It acts something like a magnet to the hairs within the tiara. The balance however, is that while your scalp becomes attractive to this hair, the rest of your body from the neck down repulses hair. I’ve become quite adept at hair magic, being a very common complaint of older male customers of the haired-races! This is just an adaptation of what I’ve learned.”

Mira looked at the wig dubiously. “So… when I activate it…”

Hollow nodded with an enthusiastic smile, “Yes indeed! All your body hair will instantly fall from you, leaving you as smooth-skinned as a babe! Why, I have had women who ask for only the side effect! But… you should probably put it on in the stream first.”

“I don’t know,” she said worriedly.

“Totally harmless, I assure you!” he said, handing her the dress she’d so admired before.

“And you’ll be such a beauty in this gown then!” he continued as she took the dress. It was a gorgeous dress, after all.

She accepted the gown and headed to the stream, out of sight of the enchanter who was busy in the tent, arranging his wares on the table for display within. She then set the dress down, stripped, and stepped into the stream before putting the wig on. She swallowed hard, closed her eyes, and pressed the gem on the tiara.

A strange feeling swept across her, and she felt the wig tighten - but not uncomfortably - on her head. Meanwhile the temperature of the air seemed to drop perceptibly. Fortunately it was still warm, but when she opened her eyes she saw something drifting away on the stream’s surface, a small, soft pile of hair. She looked down at herself and suddenly felt more naked than she’d ever been. She hurried out of the stream and donned the gown as quickly as possible!

Happily, the itching that she’d been warned about didn’t happen. Instead, she felt… beautiful. She’d never worn anything so magnificent in her life. It was like wearing the gentlest linen. She fairly skipped back to the camp, dying to see herself in a mirror.

“Oh!” Hollow said when she entered the tent. “My, but you do look nice! Now, when you want to activate the Glamour, just touch the soul gem on the belt. Though, I must say, you may not need it. I’m no judge of female human beauty of course.”

“Do you have a mirror? I’ve got to see myself!”

Hollow smiled and lifted a jewel-encrusted hand mirror from the table, handing it to her and adding, “Don’t touch the bottom jewel though. You don’t need the enchantment on this.”

She looked at herself. What she saw was just herself, in a wig, wearing a gown that she had no right to possess. To say she was disappointed was an understatement.

Hollow caught the look in her eyes. “Is something wrong Mira? Don’t you like it?”

“It’s not that. It’s just. Well, it’s just me. I was hoping… I don’t know.”

“You are no judge of human beauty either, it seems. But activate the Glamour.”

She did so. Immediately she felt a tingle wherever the dress touched her, like a mild itch. However, true to his word, it wasn’t too much to ignore. But that wasn’t all that had changed. The dress had squeezed her in places, and fell away in others. It felt as if her body itself had morphed underneath it’s folds. She looked into the mirror again.

OH!” she exclaimed, shocked. “Oh my! Yes! Wow! Look at my… WOW! Hollow! I’m… beautiful! I’m really beautiful!”

Hollow sighed, taking the mirror from her hands. “Of course you are, MIra. I’m no charlatan! You are now officially enchanted. And enchanting… well, at least to those who are affected by such things. But we have no customers yet. You should only engage it when customers are around. No need for it otherwise.”

Mira looked at the mirror longingly. She half reached for it as Hollow set it on the table, but then pulled her hand back. She recalled how she had despised other girls when she was younger for their good looks, which as often as not came with a similarly ugly disposition. She pondered Hollow’s penchant for ‘balance’ and wondered if maybe a different kind of balance was at work in the wider world. Well, she would rather tolerate a bit of itch than to become one of those kinds of people!

Outside, they heard Anabelle snort, and Hollow became excited. “We have a customer Mira! Please, give them a nice greeting and send them in!”

Mira stepped out of the tent and saw a middle aged man coming towards the cart dubiously. She beckoned him to approach.

“Are you the Enchanter?” he said, wringing his hands nervously. As he came close, she noticed he was younger than he’d first appeared. But his skin was sun-parched, obviously spending long hours outdoors that had prematurely aged his appearance.

“Oh no - that’s Oak in Grey Hollow. He’s in the tent there. Please, come on in, and don’t be nervous. We’re here to help!”

“Well, thank you Miss. I’m not sure if he can help, but…” he stammered, but she shushed him.

“No, you’ll want to tell Hollow everything. Step this way!”

With that she ushered him within the tent, that now was lit with an unusual bluish glow that she saw emanating from a staff that Hollow had activated and planted into the ground.

“Ah, welcome good Sir!” said Hollow enthusiastically. “I am Oak in Grey Hollow, Traveling Enchanter, Alchemist and Advisor!”

“Oh, you’re an Argonian? I’m not sure if you can help me, but…”

“Well, have a seat here and tell me all about it. No charge if I can’t help, of course. But please, tell me your name and your problem.”

“Name’s Grath - Jon Grath. I’m just a farmer a bit down the way. Saw your horse go by into town earlier and then I heard about the posters.”

“Ah, a farmer! A noble yet sadly thankless career. Why, it’s men like you that allow for civilization to flourish, you know! I applaud your service, truly I do. Why, were I able to do so, I assure you I would offer my services Pro Bono - free that is - yet, this cruel world. You see how it is? But your type are the foundations upon which we all rely! Truly salt of the earth. Please, tell me what brings you out of your homestead to my humble tent?”

At first, Mira was concerned that Hollow was laying it on a little thick, but she just stood to the side, trying to look beautiful. Yet as he went on buttering up the guy, she saw he had struck some chord as the scowling farmer’s weathered face began to relax.

Mr. Grath looked at Mira sidelong and whispered to Hollow. “I’m afraid it’s a bit… personal. Do you think maybe…” he trailed off.

“Oh I’m sorry, but please, I need Mira’s help - especially in personal matters! She is, as you may have noticed, not only a human but a female of your species. That makes her invaluable to me in these situations you see. She has the intuition of her sex that I just cannot fathom - yet, of course, the discretion of a cleric. I assure you, nothing you tell us will leave this space. But, to make things easier for you, take a look at this…”

Hollow produced a large book, and flipped it to a page of hand-written notes. Mira peered over the farmer’s shoulder to see them as well, smiling when she saw the five entries.

“These, my good man, are typical ‘personal’ issues I have solutions premade for. Perhaps your situation matches one of these? If so, then you’re in luck! Since I don’t need to customize the enchantments or potions needed, I can offer you a solution at a greatly discounted rate!”

The farmer scanned the words on the page carefully. “I’m not much of a reader, Mr. Hollow… what does ‘performance’ mean here?”

Hollow turned to glance at the page.

“Performance Enhancement? Ah, that is for men who are unable to achieve - shall we say - mutually satisfactory lovemaking activities with your intimate partner. Is this, perhaps, your issue?”

The farmer glanced sidelong towards Mira, but nodded.

“Ah! No problem then! But this particular issue typically comes in one of a few slightly different varieties - yet no fear! I have a solution for all of them - at least so long as they derive from a physical issue and not… well… to be blunt, Farmer Grath, I cannot dabble in matters of the heart directly. Trust me, I have tried.”

“Oh, no. That’s okay - the wife and I, we’re still in love. I just… I don’t last long enough for her. We make do, of course, but.”

“Say no more Mr. Grath! Wait here a moment, I’ll be right back. Tonight you will be the stallion of your wife’s dreams, I assure you!” Hollow responded excitedly. “Oh it does make me happy to have such a perfect solution readily at hand! Mira, keep Mr. Grath entertained while I go get something!”

And with that Hollow was gone. Mira considered just what sort of ‘entertainment’ Hollow might expect her to do in this case! Dancing? Singing? But instead, she just sat in Hollow’s chair and took the man’s hands in her own.

“Please, don’t be embarrassed, Sir. In our line of work, we get the most peculiar complaints. Your’s is quite normal, really. Your wife doesn’t know you’re here, does she?”

“Oh no, Miss,” the farmer stammered, not able to make eye contact with her.

“You are a wonderful husband, Sir. You come to us for her sake, and that shows the depth of your love for her! You are a good man, Mr. Grath. I’m so glad Hollow is able to help someone so loving as to seek help from us. I hope she appreciates you!”

The sun-dried face turned up to face her now, smiling. “You think so?” he asked. “She’s been so wonderful. I just want to…”

“Make her as happy as she makes you?” Mira offered, smiling - and she could see her smile reflected in his face.

“Yes! Exactly!”

At that, Hollow returned, carrying something, and Mira returned to her station behind their customer. Hollow handed Mr. Grath a small band of cloth with the smallest soul gem she’d ever seen embroidered into it.

“Now, this is what I call the Band of Grey Solidity. I doubt I need to explain how to use it much. Just put it where it needs to go, and when you’re ready, touch the gem. From that point you will remain in your current state until it is deactivated… Once deactivated, things will proceed naturally. I expect this will solve your problem perfectly!”

“Er… Mr. Hollow. I don’t know much about Argonians but, it’s a little… little.”

“Oh, no! No problem. It’s stretchy, see?” Hollow explained, demonstrating an quite impressive range of expansion, and the farmer took the little device as if holding the most precious thing in the world.

“How much?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the band, but those eyes were sparkling with anticipation.

Hollow eyed Mira surreptitiously, his eyebrows waggling.

“Only 109,” he said.

Suddenly the farmer’s face turned dark. “109 gold? Are you kidding Mr. Hollow? For this little thing?”

Yet Mira noticed he didn’t set it back on the table.

“I’m so very sorry, sir. But, you see, I have such overhead. We sell little as we travel Tamriel, and costs seem to increase every day. Surely you have experienced the same. Why, the cost of flour alone seems to have doubled since last year. What do you farm, Mr. Grath? Wheat?” Hollow said, seemingly very sincere in his apology, and reaching to accept the device back. However, the farmer’s hand didn’t release it.

“Well now, Mr. Hollow. You’re right about that, heaven knows! Perhaps, though, a bit of discount?”

“I’m so very sorry Mr. Grath. I simply cannot,” Hollow said, practically tearing up. Then he leaned in close and whispered - yet not so low that Mira couldn’t hear every word.

“My girl here, she’s a bit expensive too. Has to have the best of everything, I’m afraid.”

The farmer glanced back to Mira, who was absentmindedly looking away at the moment, then back to the Argonian. “You… and her?” he whispered?

Hollow shrugged, smiling a somewhat mischievous Argonian smile.

The farmer laughed. “My! You must be a good Enchanter after all! Yes, I can understand your situation, Mr. Hollow. But about the Band… Any side effects? Any guarantee?”

“Sir, you have my personal word as guarantee! Plus, I did not set up shop here to leave the next day! Should it not perform as warranted, you may return it for a full refund. minus a small restocking fee of course. As for side effects, you are a wise man to ask. Yet this particular device is unique among most of my wares, for the positive benefit to your wife is offset perfectly with the delayed pleasure to yourself! It is naturally in balance and the soul gem that powers it is of the most minor of souls, yet should last a lifetime!”

The farmer stood up and drew out a money pouch, counting out the entire amount. While he did so, Mira took the device and wrapped it in a small box that Hollow produced, and handed it to him when the counting was done with a flourish.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Grath. And I’m sure you’ll be very happy with your purchase! But if not, just bring it back tomorrow.”

“Well, it was more than I wanted to spend, but if it does as promised…”

“She is worth it, don’t you think?” Mira asked, smiling back.

The farmer drew in a deep breath and smiled back. “Yes. Yes she is. Thank you Miss, and Mr. Hollow. I’ll let you know how things go.”

Hollow and Mira left the tent just behind the farmer and they watched him trudge over the hill and down the nearby road until he was out of sight, hand patting his pocket intermittently the whole time.

“Will it really work?” Mira asked as they watched the fading figure of a happy man.

“Well, it will do exactly what I said it will do. Whether that alone will suffice for Mrs. Grath, I can’t say. Maybe yes, maybe no. Time will tell. Women are weird. But here, take this. You did well, Mira.”

Hollow handed her 9 gold, and she looked at it glistening in her hand as the sun set. She looked up at the Argonian, eyes burning.

“Oh please,” he said, seeing her grateful response. “It’s just 9 gold. Not like I just gave you the riches of the east! And turn off that damn Glamour. It’s annoying.”

She touched the gem on her belt and the itching stopped.

It was a good hour until the next customers came. Only a few stopped in that first night, but as word of mouth got back to the village, more came the following day. However, the village was small, and by the fifth day it was clear their business was dwindling. Hollow declared they would be moving on the next day, as they closed up the tent and retired to their beds in the cart.
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