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Filthypaladin: I needed to work on my male figures so...

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Filthypaladin: also, cast shadows HAH!

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DarthVader: Well uhh… heh heh. You certainly did a good job.

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vsauce4: FUCK I'm gay now

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Sashimi: Whoa! The bartender is ripped! Best not cause a drunken ruckus in his establishment. ..

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tronn: Very nice, something something popping his cork double entendre.

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Rick2tails: DAMN! Filthypaladin!! ^_^ one of your best pictures yet! :)

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MrCoopy: man I'm not gonna want to give his establishment my patronage if he's putting his ass all over the counter

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Dominik: I just wanted to drink something...

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Rick2tails: *makes a "i`ll take whats on tap" joke*

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Grape: @Rick2tails: But... that means you DON'T get the bottle between his legs. At least flirt correctly.

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Skoon: Hey, somebody deleted my comment. D:

Don't they know I'm famous on the internet!?

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Rick2tails: @skoon I suppose joking about non consent is problematic

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Rick2tails: @Grape joking about handling a tap seems to make more sense then saying drinking from the bottle to me. but I suppose thats the other joke you can make

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Skoon: @Rick2tails: I really hate today's language. Makes no sense to me.
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Yeltsa_Kcir: OH NO HE'S HOT!

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Jig_Bigga: SKOON WAS HERE???

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Jig_Bigga: @Yeltsa_Kcir: i IMPLORE you to check bluedraggy’s twitter!