Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.


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Uploader lapma,
Tags artist:lapma blood character:Katia_Managan meme questionable_sanity smiling stranger_danger text
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DarthVader: I think there’S something wrong with Katia.

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KuroNeko: Okaaaaay *slowly back away*

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Zargothrax: Run Tavia!

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OgTariq: StRaNgEr DaNgER

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Tabby_Catface: Mad love. Why not? I'd like if that kind of things would happen to Katia and... Me

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Sashimi: Uh Kat, you have something in your eye there....

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APayne1776: Impact font

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CorvusRichardFarhent: Errrr... W-we should...take a moment to relax i think

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emperor_agon: Are you talking to the crate behind to the left or the crate behind to the right?

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Corvid: I sense some CliffSide vibes here... especially that spider woman. Cordie best waifu