DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable". Image Uploader XLINE, August 10, 2019; 01:31 Tags actual_underwear artist:unknown blood blood_from_the_eyes character:Katia_Managan Source gall.dcinside.com/america_ani/1651315 Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible August 10, 2019; 04:05 - Reply lapma: this looks really nice August 10, 2019; 09:27 - Reply NotGod: Using Eye of Fear twice = Eye detonates Using Eye of Fear in Soviet Russia = Eye shrinks out of existence August 10, 2019; 09:55 - Reply Zargothrax: This is really cute, and well made. Interesting technique with the shading. Artist probably hates drawing feet though. August 10, 2019; 15:11 - Reply KuroNeko: This is oddly cute for a picture of someone bleeding from the eye, she's like "Welp, I'm half blind and covered in blood again, what can I do ?" August 10, 2019; 17:24 - Reply Rick2tails: ouch! I hope her eye gets better soon. I do agree with Zargothrax though the absence of the feet in the picture seems very deliberate
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Using Eye of Fear in Soviet Russia = Eye shrinks out of existence
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Artist probably hates drawing feet though.
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