Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward.
In my gut I knew, today was the day. It was an average evening in the north province of Skyrim, cold as Coldharbour. The only sounds I could hear were the wheels of the carriage turning, and the horse’s hooves clopping on the stone road. I could see the Inn we were going to stay at for the night in the distance, but my love was resting from a long day of exploring Windhelm. Just as I notice how beautiful the mountains looked with the sunset behind them, my lovely began to wake up. Stretching, yawning, and rubbing her eyes.
“You know…” She said. “I used to hate snow, but now that I’m used to it, it's pretty nice.”
“Yeah…” I sighed. “I felt the same way, but it’s not like I had much of a choice. Morrowind wasn’t the greatest place to live.”
“Yeah…” she nodded. “I’ve only heard things about Morrowind, and I don't think it would be a good place for me either.”
The sounds of the wheels hitting the stone road got noticeably loader as we both thought about our upbringings. I quickly tried to think of a way to lighten the mood.
“Hey!” I said. “Look how beautiful the sunset is over the mountains.”
“Oh, wow!” She said in awe. However it was obvious she was just faking it to make me happy.
As I looked down to the snowy fields, I had a brilliant idea. I pulled back on the horse's reins and stepped down from the carriage. When I stepped down, I noticed a puzzled look came upon her face. I then motioned her to come down with me.
“Let’s stretch our legs.” I said as I walked away from the cart.
“Why? We’re so close to the inn.” She said confused.
“Just do it.” I pleaded. “We can watch the sunset for a little bit.”
“Okay… but only for a couple of minutes.” She said begrudgingly as she stepped down from the carriage.
I helped her down and gestured to her to walk in front of me as if I was letting her go through a door first. When her back was turned to me, I quietly picked up some snow and molded it into a ball.
“Actually… This is nice.” She said with a sigh of relaxation.
“Think fast!” I shouted as I threw my ball of snow at her.
She quickly looked towards me, but not quick enough to stop the wad of snow from impacting and exploding all over her face.
“Hey! What was that for?!” She said wiping the cold, white powder from her face fur.
“Come on! Let’s have some fun!” I said as I reached down to gather more snow.
“Oh!” She said in realization. “It’s on then!” She stated as a smile came across her face.
We got into the rhythm of bending over to pick up some of the white carpet, smooshing it into shape, and flinging it as hard as we could. Occasionally waving our hands like we casted a spell. The passage of time did not matter to us then. Our laughter echoed through the snowy road. I looked down at my handful of snow, when I had an amusing thought. Picking up as much snow as possible, I ran towards her, tackling her. After making a brief snow sandwich, we hit the ground with a loud crunch of the snow coated ground. We laughed like we heard the greatest joke ever. We laid there, too exhausted to get up.
“I needed that.” She said giving me a warm embraced on the cold ground.
When it got too cold from the last bit of the sunlight setting, we got up, wiped the snow that cling to our clothes, and made our way back to the carriage. With her leading the way since I wasn’t lucky enough to be born night vision.
We got back on the carriage with the creaking of the wood from my heavy armor. Luckily, the horse didn’t ran off to get away from its seemingly over bearing masters. With us back on the road, I could again feel her head resting on my shoulder, with a sigh of contentment. I knew tonight was the night.
We arrived at the inn just as the wind started to pick up. She jumped off, quickly tied the horse to the fence, and ran to lantern by the door to get some semblance of heat. I climbed down and got our bags. I walked to the stairs towards the door, but stop to look at the sign. Nightgate Inn was written across the top with a crescent moon and some stars beneath it. It looked freshly carved.
“Hurry up! I’m freezing!” She shouted to get my attention.
“Oh! Sorry love!” I said rushing towards the steps.
As I got up the steps, she opened the door and went in with me entering shortly after.
The place looked like your typical inn. Tables against the walls with a huge fire in the center. The rooms were by the back where a miniature bar was, which is usually the owner is. The smell of burning wood fire and a roast being cooked above it. The sound of rushing wind got cut off by the door, which gave an equally loud slam. It then got awfully quiet, with only the sounds of the fire crackling, a few patrons eating, and my heavy breathing. Not even the bard was playing.
My darling got a head start towards the bar. I hurried to catch up.
“Well… we don’t get much visitors. Where’d you come from?” The barkeep asked looking to me while cleaning a tankard.
He looked like your average male nord. Tall, burly, and with a beard appropriately sized for his age.
“Oh, I’m from Hammerfell, and he’s from high-” she said before she got cut off.
“I wasn’t talking to you. And I meant where you just came from.” He interjected.
“We came from Windhelm and are on our way to Dawnstar.” I answered.
“Aye, as most people that come here do. So, one bed or two?” He asked.
“One.” She said before I could say anything.
He looks at her for a moment with distaste then back to me.
“One?” he simply asked.
“One.” I confirm.
“That’ll be twenty gold.” He said putting down the tankard and crossing his arms.
“I thought it was ten?” I said fearing what he might say next.
“Yeah, but ten more for pets.” He said with a grin.
“Just give me the key.” I said as debated whether or not to slit his throat.
“Sure thing. Just don’t let her steal it!” He said laughing and holding out the key.
She took the key before I could and stormed off to a room.
“Wrong room, cat.” He said pointing to the room in the opposite direction she was going.
She turned around stomped her way to the room baring her teeth with tears forming.
“Woah! Control your animals!” He said trying not to laugh.
I glared at him for a couple of seconds.
“Do we have a problem?” He asked looking like he was going to throw someone out.
“No.” I said clenching my fist.
I walked into our room and grabbed the key form the end table and locking the door.
“Gods! Can you believe that guy?!” She shouted, but keeping it quiet enough so is not let the innkeeper hear. While also storming back and forth.
“Don’t worry, I’ll poison his drink later.” I said semi-seriously.
“I told you not to poison anymore innkeepers!”
“Hey, I didn’t poison the last one.” I said proudly.
“Yeah, I know, but we both know we aren’t the best at ending bad habits.” She said remembering her early days for her new life.
“Hey! You’ve been sober for three months!” I said in hopes of cheering her up “In fact, let’s celebrate.” I said as I reached into my bag and taking out a couple of bottles.
“What’s that?” She said fearfully.
“Don’t worry, it’s not alcohol I assure you. It’s apple juice with a couple of extra ingredients to give it more flavor.” I said as I gave her one of the bottles.
She opened the bottle and took a whiff.
“Is that lavender?” She asked.
“Yeah, lavender sprig and mandrake root. I got them while touring Cyrodil. We don’t have anything with these effects here in Skyrim.” I explained. “I was also thinking of adding cheese, but I don’t think that would taste well.” I said jokingly, to hide the fact I was telling the truth.
She chuckled. “What effect is that?”
“Drink and find out.” I said with a smirk.
She looked at the bottle for a couple of seconds with a doubtful expression. She took a sip. She gave a face like she sucked on a lemon, followed by a cough.
“Wow! That is some strong stuff! But it’s good.” She said with a surprised tone.
“I know right, that shows the effects are potent.”
“I don’t, feel any effects.”
“That’s because you aren’t using them. Here, let me test it.”
I quickly went back to my bag and pulled out my bottle of brandy.
“Okay, that has to be alcohol.” She said.
“Yes it is. It’s brandy. Would you like some?” I said teasing.
“No!” She said angrily. “Why do you even have it?!”
I looked down to the full bottle. “I drink when I’m having a bad day.”
“Oh…” She said. Her eyes darting around the room trying to think of a response.
“I thought you could use some.”
“Oh, no, I don’t want any. I don’t want to ruin my streak.” She said with a chuckle.
“I think it works.” I said with a smile.
“What works?”
“The effect works. The effect was fortify willpower.” I said with a smile.
“Really? I couldn’t tell.” She said disappointedly.
“That’s the thing with fortify willpower. It’s subtle, and most times you don’t really notice it.” I explained. “Either way, you passed. So you deserve a reward.”
“Oh? What would that be?” She said with a suggestive look.
I put away the brandy and proceeded to take of my clothes. My heart pounding of the ideas of how she would respond. I was relieved when she gave a huge grin. She got up and did the same. When we were naked, she looked at my body with all my scars and I looked at her skinny frame with her rib cage showing. She wrapped her arms around me and looked deep into my eyes. We went in for a kiss. After which she gave me a look like nothing else mattered. We sat down on the bed and kissed some more. I kissed her furred neck which caused her to give a faint moan.
We transitioned into laying down. I looked deep into her eyes to speak to her soul.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“More than anything.” She said confidently with a smile. “For my first time sober, I’m glad it’s you.”
I smiled back, almost shedding a tear.
We proceeded to make love all night. We probably woke up the bar keep. After which, we held each other closely.
“I love you Katia.”
“I love you too Vinarto.”
“You know…” She said. “I used to hate snow, but now that I’m used to it, it's pretty nice.”
“Yeah…” I sighed. “I felt the same way, but it’s not like I had much of a choice. Morrowind wasn’t the greatest place to live.”
“Yeah…” she nodded. “I’ve only heard things about Morrowind, and I don't think it would be a good place for me either.”
The sounds of the wheels hitting the stone road got noticeably loader as we both thought about our upbringings. I quickly tried to think of a way to lighten the mood.
“Hey!” I said. “Look how beautiful the sunset is over the mountains.”
“Oh, wow!” She said in awe. However it was obvious she was just faking it to make me happy.
As I looked down to the snowy fields, I had a brilliant idea. I pulled back on the horse's reins and stepped down from the carriage. When I stepped down, I noticed a puzzled look came upon her face. I then motioned her to come down with me.
“Let’s stretch our legs.” I said as I walked away from the cart.
“Why? We’re so close to the inn.” She said confused.
“Just do it.” I pleaded. “We can watch the sunset for a little bit.”
“Okay… but only for a couple of minutes.” She said begrudgingly as she stepped down from the carriage.
I helped her down and gestured to her to walk in front of me as if I was letting her go through a door first. When her back was turned to me, I quietly picked up some snow and molded it into a ball.
“Actually… This is nice.” She said with a sigh of relaxation.
“Think fast!” I shouted as I threw my ball of snow at her.
She quickly looked towards me, but not quick enough to stop the wad of snow from impacting and exploding all over her face.
“Hey! What was that for?!” She said wiping the cold, white powder from her face fur.
“Come on! Let’s have some fun!” I said as I reached down to gather more snow.
“Oh!” She said in realization. “It’s on then!” She stated as a smile came across her face.
We got into the rhythm of bending over to pick up some of the white carpet, smooshing it into shape, and flinging it as hard as we could. Occasionally waving our hands like we casted a spell. The passage of time did not matter to us then. Our laughter echoed through the snowy road. I looked down at my handful of snow, when I had an amusing thought. Picking up as much snow as possible, I ran towards her, tackling her. After making a brief snow sandwich, we hit the ground with a loud crunch of the snow coated ground. We laughed like we heard the greatest joke ever. We laid there, too exhausted to get up.
“I needed that.” She said giving me a warm embraced on the cold ground.
When it got too cold from the last bit of the sunlight setting, we got up, wiped the snow that cling to our clothes, and made our way back to the carriage. With her leading the way since I wasn’t lucky enough to be born night vision.
We got back on the carriage with the creaking of the wood from my heavy armor. Luckily, the horse didn’t ran off to get away from its seemingly over bearing masters. With us back on the road, I could again feel her head resting on my shoulder, with a sigh of contentment. I knew tonight was the night.
We arrived at the inn just as the wind started to pick up. She jumped off, quickly tied the horse to the fence, and ran to lantern by the door to get some semblance of heat. I climbed down and got our bags. I walked to the stairs towards the door, but stop to look at the sign. Nightgate Inn was written across the top with a crescent moon and some stars beneath it. It looked freshly carved.
“Hurry up! I’m freezing!” She shouted to get my attention.
“Oh! Sorry love!” I said rushing towards the steps.
As I got up the steps, she opened the door and went in with me entering shortly after.
The place looked like your typical inn. Tables against the walls with a huge fire in the center. The rooms were by the back where a miniature bar was, which is usually the owner is. The smell of burning wood fire and a roast being cooked above it. The sound of rushing wind got cut off by the door, which gave an equally loud slam. It then got awfully quiet, with only the sounds of the fire crackling, a few patrons eating, and my heavy breathing. Not even the bard was playing.
My darling got a head start towards the bar. I hurried to catch up.
“Well… we don’t get much visitors. Where’d you come from?” The barkeep asked looking to me while cleaning a tankard.
He looked like your average male nord. Tall, burly, and with a beard appropriately sized for his age.
“Oh, I’m from Hammerfell, and he’s from high-” she said before she got cut off.
“I wasn’t talking to you. And I meant where you just came from.” He interjected.
“We came from Windhelm and are on our way to Dawnstar.” I answered.
“Aye, as most people that come here do. So, one bed or two?” He asked.
“One.” She said before I could say anything.
He looks at her for a moment with distaste then back to me.
“One?” he simply asked.
“One.” I confirm.
“That’ll be twenty gold.” He said putting down the tankard and crossing his arms.
“I thought it was ten?” I said fearing what he might say next.
“Yeah, but ten more for pets.” He said with a grin.
“Just give me the key.” I said as debated whether or not to slit his throat.
“Sure thing. Just don’t let her steal it!” He said laughing and holding out the key.
She took the key before I could and stormed off to a room.
“Wrong room, cat.” He said pointing to the room in the opposite direction she was going.
She turned around stomped her way to the room baring her teeth with tears forming.
“Woah! Control your animals!” He said trying not to laugh.
I glared at him for a couple of seconds.
“Do we have a problem?” He asked looking like he was going to throw someone out.
“No.” I said clenching my fist.
I walked into our room and grabbed the key form the end table and locking the door.
“Gods! Can you believe that guy?!” She shouted, but keeping it quiet enough so is not let the innkeeper hear. While also storming back and forth.
“Don’t worry, I’ll poison his drink later.” I said semi-seriously.
“I told you not to poison anymore innkeepers!”
“Hey, I didn’t poison the last one.” I said proudly.
“Yeah, I know, but we both know we aren’t the best at ending bad habits.” She said remembering her early days for her new life.
“Hey! You’ve been sober for three months!” I said in hopes of cheering her up “In fact, let’s celebrate.” I said as I reached into my bag and taking out a couple of bottles.
“What’s that?” She said fearfully.
“Don’t worry, it’s not alcohol I assure you. It’s apple juice with a couple of extra ingredients to give it more flavor.” I said as I gave her one of the bottles.
She opened the bottle and took a whiff.
“Is that lavender?” She asked.
“Yeah, lavender sprig and mandrake root. I got them while touring Cyrodil. We don’t have anything with these effects here in Skyrim.” I explained. “I was also thinking of adding cheese, but I don’t think that would taste well.” I said jokingly, to hide the fact I was telling the truth.
She chuckled. “What effect is that?”
“Drink and find out.” I said with a smirk.
She looked at the bottle for a couple of seconds with a doubtful expression. She took a sip. She gave a face like she sucked on a lemon, followed by a cough.
“Wow! That is some strong stuff! But it’s good.” She said with a surprised tone.
“I know right, that shows the effects are potent.”
“I don’t, feel any effects.”
“That’s because you aren’t using them. Here, let me test it.”
I quickly went back to my bag and pulled out my bottle of brandy.
“Okay, that has to be alcohol.” She said.
“Yes it is. It’s brandy. Would you like some?” I said teasing.
“No!” She said angrily. “Why do you even have it?!”
I looked down to the full bottle. “I drink when I’m having a bad day.”
“Oh…” She said. Her eyes darting around the room trying to think of a response.
“I thought you could use some.”
“Oh, no, I don’t want any. I don’t want to ruin my streak.” She said with a chuckle.
“I think it works.” I said with a smile.
“What works?”
“The effect works. The effect was fortify willpower.” I said with a smile.
“Really? I couldn’t tell.” She said disappointedly.
“That’s the thing with fortify willpower. It’s subtle, and most times you don’t really notice it.” I explained. “Either way, you passed. So you deserve a reward.”
“Oh? What would that be?” She said with a suggestive look.
I put away the brandy and proceeded to take of my clothes. My heart pounding of the ideas of how she would respond. I was relieved when she gave a huge grin. She got up and did the same. When we were naked, she looked at my body with all my scars and I looked at her skinny frame with her rib cage showing. She wrapped her arms around me and looked deep into my eyes. We went in for a kiss. After which she gave me a look like nothing else mattered. We sat down on the bed and kissed some more. I kissed her furred neck which caused her to give a faint moan.
We transitioned into laying down. I looked deep into her eyes to speak to her soul.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“More than anything.” She said confidently with a smile. “For my first time sober, I’m glad it’s you.”
I smiled back, almost shedding a tear.
We proceeded to make love all night. We probably woke up the bar keep. After which, we held each other closely.
“I love you Katia.”
“I love you too Vinarto.”
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Also, damn racist Nords