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Zerorganic: okay that one is great xd

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DarthVader: I’ve seen better. Better ways to destroy a town

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ADudeCalledLeo: So would Katia be Evul Quill's "guard dog/cat"?
(I meant to write "Evil" but wrote "Evuil" and then decided fuck it)

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Zargothrax: Brutal!
By the way, that's one great painting of a burning town. I especially like how many buildings are illuminated by flames that are obstructed from view; this glow gives the feeling that it's all on fire.

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KuroNeko: And this what really happened during the oblivion Crisis, Dagon just took credit for the destruction.
Looks preety cool, I like how you did the smoke and how it's illuminated by the fire bellow.

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Dominik: "Yes, Yes, destroy it all!!"
That fire looks just epic
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TempIntel: Katia: I am become death, destroyer of worlds...
Your art always gives me the laffs and gaffs

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damrok4321: I love how shadows and lights work together here. Nice job

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PermanentFace: Katia is here pictured breaking the law. The Levitation Act of 3E421 expressly prohibits the use of levitation magic.