Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.


Royal Animal
The highways of Cyrodiil can be quite dangerous places. Katia learned about it the hard way, while she was traveling to Kvatch she met a highwayman named Gharug gro-Upp. Fortunately our khajiit managed to come out of it in one piece, and what's more important she learned her lessons about the dangers of the Empire's capital.

While Katia was waiting to meet ASOTIL so she could safely go back with him to Anvil, and proudly show her friend Quill-Weave that she managed to complete her quest. ASOTIL was busy keeping roads safe from all sorts of criminal scum. And his service was needed, the road from Anvil to Kvatch was full of dangers, and one of merchants from Anvil was about to learn it the hard way. Said merchant was dealing in all sorts of trinkets from over the seas that one can find in the port of Anvil. But this time he decided to expand his trade with one particular stock. He decided to take with him a young gilt. The gilt was a healthy pink piggy with few black spots and a calm temper. Animals like this would not require a lot of care and a butcher in one of the cities they were planning to visit would surely be interested in buying it. Once the merchant had his stock ready he gathered his team of mercenaries and they started their journey, with the first stop would be Kvatch.

The travel was calm until they approached old ayleid ruins. Once they got closer, they noticed a sole figure on the horizon. When they approached the mysterious character, it turned out to be the breton wearing old worn off iron armor. The man begged them to help him save his comrades who got trapped in damned ruins while trying to find artefacts for the mages guild.
The merchant agreed to help the breton in exchange for compensation from the mages. However greed of the trader was about to be his undoing. The rescue attempt turned out to be a trap. The moment the Merchant and his mercenaries entered the darkness of the ayleid undergrounds they were ambushed by a group of bandits led by the breton who had just backstabbed the merchant.

The mercenaries whose eyes were not used to darkness, desperately tried to go back to the light of day and escape darkness and certain doom.

However, the ambush that was the merchant's demise turned out to be saving grace for piggy. The animal terrified by the sound of the fight decided to run as far and as fast as they possibly could. In her panic gilt ran into the merchant’s goods, making a mess and spreading valuables all over the place, in all this hassle piggy ended up with a silver tiara on her head. Fate would have it that the pig ran out of energy and fell onto the ground exhausted not far from the gates of Kvatch.

A loud squeal snatched Katia from her studies of arcane arts. After just a moment the young khajiit noticed a young terrified pig lying down close to her. Seeing the exhausted pig Katia felt bad for that animal, deep inside she knew she couldn't just leave the poor pig like that. “Where did you come from?” said Katia, trying to calm down piggy with her gentle voice. Seeing that the pig was calming and feeling its heartbeat going back to normal Katia smiled.

The young Khajiit was filled with a strange yet pleasant feeling, she felt like she was connecting with that animal, creating some sort of bond.

“What should I do with you now?” she wondered, looking her new companion in the eyes. But that brief moment was disturbed by distant call coming from the forest.

“Where did that pig go?” Katia wondered who could be looking for her new friend. “By the nines if you let my dinner escape I'll be eating your grub, now find that pig!” came a shout from what was clearly an unhappy and most likely a dangerous man. At this moment Katia knew she had to take care of her new companion, that piggy’s life was in her hands now.”I need to think of a name for you little one, i can't just call you piggy my whole life.” When Katia noticed the silver tiara on her piglet’s head she decided to name her four legged friend Princess. What's interesting is that for the first time in many years she was not unsettled by the thought of royalty when she said the name of her new friend.She even found it funny, the thought of a royal pig made her giggle.

“Poor Princess you look exhausted, I bet you are hungry. Good thing that I bought that big box of sweet rolls.” said Katia sharing her food with the freshly crowned Princess. Katia looked at her new friend enjoying sweet rolls and wagging her tail while eating. It was at that moment that Katia realised that her friendship with the oinking royal animal she just saved will be special. “Now that you have got your strength back let's move closer to the gate, i don't want to meet the people that are looking for you” said Katia petting her new pet on the head.
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lapma: Ok so i did this thing. Special thanks to KuroNeko who gave me a lot of help with some grammar stuff.

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KuroNeko: Princess: the origin story, nice :)

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ADudeCalledLeo: The only good royal.
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Varanonegro: Que bella historia, resulta tierno e interesante que Katia se haya encariñado tan rápido con un animal rechoncho, le da a Katia una tierna apariencia de que aún conserva su inocencia :)

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Nicros_Man: Aww! That's cute!