Obey all rules or suffer unimaginable consequences.
It was the day before the festival and Quill-Weave awoke to the sound of commotion and hammering from the direction of the village. It was a fine fall morning, a little crisp now but sunny and boding of a warm day as the sun rose higher. She stepped to the window and threw it open wide, her body on view for all the world to see. This was, she realized, one of the perks of living deep in the woods and out of sight. Of course, with Mooky around she didn't often get to revel in this sort of freedom. But the tower was high above the ground - even higher than most of the trees around - and afforded a great opportunity to display her latent exhibitionism without the embarrassment of actually being seen by anyone.
She yawned, stretching her arms towards the ceiling and thrusting her modest chest out, while she inhaled as deeply as she could. The cool morning breeze circled around her and she let the breath out with a groan, then stretched down to touch her toes. Despite her chosen occupation, Quill-Weave tried not to live the sedentary life that might be expected of an author. She stretched with a purpose now, hiking one foot up onto the bed and bending over to touch it. She followed that up with the other foot, doing the same.
The light knock at the door was expected. She considered putting on some clothes, but when she heard the maid's voice, she decided it wouldn't be necessary. She realized that once someone has given you a bath manually multiple times, the body-consciousness wears off somewhat. And it's possible there might be another reason.
"Oh! I'm sorry," said the maid, looking away. "I have your breakfast. I can come back later."
"No, go ahead and set it down on the table. Just doing my morning exercises. Do you exercise? Not that you need to, mind you. I don't mean to imply..."
The maid set the tray on the table. "Oh, no offense taken. But honestly I've never really known how exactly. And in my line of work, I seem to be active enough that it isn't an issue."
Quill sat on the bed and took a sip of the juice she had brought. "It's not the line of work, in my experience," she said. "It's the age. When I was a young thing like you it was never a problem. But somewhere across the years you need to work a little harder to stay in shape. Especially when you work at a desk of course."
"Could be, Ma'am. I might be putting on a little in my hips to be honest."
"Want to join me? I could teach you how to exercise properly."
"You're not bothered by being... like that around me anymore?" the maid asked.
"Should I be?" she answered with a smile. "No, don't answer that. Look, you bathed me yet again last night. There's not an inch of me you don't know already. Around you? No. I think you've crossed beyond my shyness-line. Come on, stand here with me. The first thing you need to do is to loosen up and stretch. Do like this. Put your arms as high up in the air as you can, stretch your legs as wide apart as you can, and breathe in as deeply as you can."
The maid tried to emulate Quill-Weave. When the button shot off of her strap it hit the wall with an audible PING.
"Oh shit," the maid said, before realizing what she'd said in the presence of her Mistress, covering her mouth in embarrassment.
"It's okay. You're with the Mistress of Evil now. You can say 'shit'," Quill-Weave laughed. "Come on, let's get you out of that outfit."
Later as they both lay exhausted and sprawled across the bed, Quill-Weave realized that - though she truly no longer was embarrassed to be seen by her maid this way - there were other feelings that were as strong as ever. She caught herself watching the cat's heaving breasts and looked away.
"So, feel better now?" she asked.
"I feel spent. But good. You do that every morning?"
"Oh, not every morning. But on a fine day like this I do!"
The two lay panting on the bed until their breathing slowed. Finally Quill looked back at her maid, who returned the look. For a moment they only stared into each other's eyes, and the oddest thing about it was that Quill didn't feel in the least bit awkward. In fact, it was the maid that broke the spell first.
"Sounds like they're working on the fair-grounds for tomorrow," she said, sitting up.
Quill-Weave caught her maid's tail up in her own. She would not let this moment pass without acknowledging its significance, even if she didn't have the words for it. The khajiit looked back at her and she held her eyes again for a moment.
"Yes, it's quite an affair. It's a good day to stay away from the village, in fact. Say! How about we go for a walk instead? Have you ever visited a farm? A real working farm?"
The maid sat up at that, her ears on high alert. "No! That sounds wonderful Ma'am! Oh yes, let's!"
"Alright then, but you mustn't dress in your maid outfit. I assume you brought along some other clothes? Something that can get dirty?"
"Certainly! I have some denim pants. And perhaps a loose shirt?"
"That sounds perfect. If we walk back to the main road, about a mile down is a farmer I know. He loves talking about the place and offered to show me around. Of course, such things just aren't in keeping with my persona - but I've pretty much given that up now. I think you'd enjoy it."
"Oh yes! Oh Quill-Weave, I would love it so much!"
Despite the still-cool breeze that blew in from the window, Quill found herself warming deeply as she watched her maid's eyes sparkle with excitement. She was happy. Deeply happy. But when the maid hugged her and gave her a heartfelt kiss, suddenly she realized she wanted this cat. Not just physically, though given the current circumstances that was undeniable. But she wanted her in her life. She wanted her to be so much more than her maid.
The look her maid gave her when she backed away made it clear that the sudden, unexpected hug had had an effect on her too. There were signs that Quill could read that signified.
"Maybe... we should get dressed?" the maid offered hesitantly.
"Yes. We'd better! Go on, get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs in a half hour, okay?"
The khajiit nodded, but as she turned away, again Quill grabbed her hand.
"You know, you really are much more than a maid to me, don't you?"
The albino smiled broadly. "Of course I do. I just needed you to realize that. Now come on, let's go see a farm!"
Quill looked through her closet. She knew what she had to wear. It was de rigueur for the farmers in the area. A one-piece blue bib overall was just the thing. She'd bought it some time ago at the insistence of Mooky when she'd volunteered to help his wife work in their little garden, though she'd only worn it the one time. But as she laid it across her bed, she smiled an evil smile. Yes, if the Mistress of Evil was going to wear such a thing...
She met the maid downstairs shortly after and was pleased to see the eyes open wide when she presented herself.
"Oh!" was all the white khajiit could say.
"Well, now, the Mistress of Evil could hardly wear such a thing without adding her own touch to it now, could she?"
"I hope this farmer is secure in his family life!"
"Oh, he's an old widower. Just him and his dogs. He'd probably love to glimpse a little cleavage now and again. Besides, it's shaping up to be a warm day. Who needs an undershirt anyway? But you! You look like a natural farmer!"
The maid showed off her plain but appropriate jeans and checkered shirt. "You think so?"
"Well, khajiits aren't known for being farmers of course, but if they were, you'd look the part. Oh! Wait! I have the perfect idea! Unbutton the bottom and tie it in a knot just under your boobs!"
She pulled the shirt out of her jeans and tied it as Quill had suggested. "Like this?"
"Oh, perfect! Wait... one more thing..." Quill said and started unbuttoning the top buttons.
"Not THAT far Quill! Unlike SOME people, I do have nipples you know! Besides, I'm not the Mistress of Evil."
"You're female aren't you? You've got to have some evil in you."
"Well, okay. But only down to here. What do you think? Are we ready to hit the trail?"
"Hmm... Just one more thing..." Quill mused, then went back upstairs. She brought down two straw hats and handed one to her maid. The holes she had cut out for her fins didn't really work for the khajiit though.
"Come on," she said to Quill. "Mooky's outside. He'll have a knife. If you don't mind, I mean..."
"Of course not!"
Within the hour the two were walking down the road towards the farmer's ranch, looking just like a couple of locals. Except perhaps for their tails.
"Why would I do that?" the khajiit asked Quill-Weave.
"I... don't really know! But it does seem to be a thing they do."
"Does it taste good?"
"Probably not, but try it anyway."
The khajiit stuck the bit of straw in her mouth. "Like this?"
Quill-Weave did the same. "I think so."
The two looked at each other. The giggles began uncontrollably.
"Okay, maybe that's a bit much."
Her maid spat the straw out of her mouth. "Yeah, that part I really don't get."
They came up to the fence surrounding the ranch. Two large dogs came bounding towards them, barking, but their tails belied any concern that they were actually troublesome. As they came closer, their rear ends began to wag almost as much as their tails. In the distance, the farmer looked up from his plow and waved to them. Before long he was working his way across the field to them.
Quill-Weave put a foot up on one of the fence rails while her maid continued to pet the dogs that had gone completely docile at her touch. The man laughed as he got closer. "Well, aren't you the country girl today Quill? I heard you had a khajiit visiting."
"Hello Mr. Feldman! This is my maid...." Quill started, then realized she [i]still[/i had not asked her friend's name yet! Fortunately the khajiit spoke up to fill the void.
"Pleased to meet you Mr. Feldman," she said, and hopped over the fence in a single bound.
"Oh! Aren't you the spry one?" he replied, though his eyes strayed a bit lower than her eyes. "I see you met Gloria and Gertrude."
Not to be outdone, Quill leapt atop the top rail of the fence. "Hey, I'm spry too!"
The farmer turned back to Quill and apparently really noticed her attire for the first time. "You know, Quill, traditionally we wear..." he began.
"Oh, yes, yes. I know. You don't mind do you? It's such a nice day out and it would be a shame to be all stuffed up. Besides, I don't think it's any worse than my Evil outfit is it?"
"Worse? No! I'd not say 'worse'! But don't wear that in town or you'll get the biddies after you for indecency. Now what brings you two gals out my way?"
"I wanted to see your farm!" the maid said, now sitting with the two dogs jumping over her.
Quill turned back to Mr. Feldman. "Well, you did say to come and visit sometime, and today is such a fine day..."
"It is indeed! I was just plowing my field under, but it can wait for another time. Glad to have you! Why don't you two gals go inside while I put the team away? There's tea in the cupboard and ice in the icebox. I'll be along presently. Door's open. Go on in and make yourselves at home."
"Thank you, Mr. Feldman! We really appreciate it," Quill replied sincerely.
"Look, if you're going to come around here dressed like that, just call me Jim. It'll make me feel younger," he laughed, then headed back to the field, his dogs following their master.
The two strode from the fence across the yard to the small house that sat on top of a hill of grass not far away.
"He's a nice guy," the albino maid said as they climbed the steps to the small porch.
Quill held the door open for her. "You know, they pretty much all are out here. Some may be a bit prudish or... unschooled, but really for the most part they're good people. I think it has something to do with all the open space. They're not all crowded together like we are in the city. Plus they live closer to the earth. They depend on each other out here a lot more. Back home I barely even know my neighbor. To be fair, they do leave me well enough alone at the tower. I think Mooky is actually their way to check up on me. Make sure I'm okay."
"He's their spy on you for sure," her maid laughed.
Quill looked around. The place was old, and rather messy. But it smelled clean at heart. The farmer was a single guy, and as such there was a certain amount of clutter to be expected. But he obviously kept the place up well. There were some modest paintings on the walls of people she assumed to be Mr. Feldman's relations. A full length portrait of a woman stood over the fireplace though.
"Mrs. Feldman?" the khajiit asked.
"I assume so. She was a real beauty, wasn't she?"
Her maid stood beside her. The artistry was impressive. "She was. Doesn't look the type to live on a farm."
"Kinda sad though."
"Yeah. To live out here all alone, and seeing her here all the time. She looks pretty young."
"Before you ask, I have no idea how long it's been. I didn't want to be nosy. He's a nice man, and it wouldn't feel right to pry."
"I understand. Well, have a seat on the couch, Quill. I'll go get that tea..."
It was the day before the festival and Quill-Weave awoke to the sound of commotion and hammering from the direction of the village. It was a fine fall morning, a little crisp now but sunny and boding of a warm day as the sun rose higher. She stepped to the window and threw it open wide, her body on view for all the world to see. This was, she realized, one of the perks of living deep in the woods and out of sight. Of course, with Mooky around she didn't often get to revel in this sort of freedom. But the tower was high above the ground - even higher than most of the trees around - and afforded a great opportunity to display her latent exhibitionism without the embarrassment of actually being seen by anyone.

She yawned, stretching her arms towards the ceiling and thrusting her modest chest out, while she inhaled as deeply as she could. The cool morning breeze circled around her and she let the breath out with a groan, then stretched down to touch her toes. Despite her chosen occupation, Quill-Weave tried not to live the sedentary life that might be expected of an author. She stretched with a purpose now, hiking one foot up onto the bed and bending over to touch it. She followed that up with the other foot, doing the same.
The light knock at the door was expected. She considered putting on some clothes, but when she heard the maid's voice, she decided it wouldn't be necessary. She realized that once someone has given you a bath manually multiple times, the body-consciousness wears off somewhat. And it's possible there might be another reason.
"Oh! I'm sorry," said the maid, looking away. "I have your breakfast. I can come back later."
"No, go ahead and set it down on the table. Just doing my morning exercises. Do you exercise? Not that you need to, mind you. I don't mean to imply..."
The maid set the tray on the table. "Oh, no offense taken. But honestly I've never really known how exactly. And in my line of work, I seem to be active enough that it isn't an issue."
Quill sat on the bed and took a sip of the juice she had brought. "It's not the line of work, in my experience," she said. "It's the age. When I was a young thing like you it was never a problem. But somewhere across the years you need to work a little harder to stay in shape. Especially when you work at a desk of course."
"Could be, Ma'am. I might be putting on a little in my hips to be honest."
"Want to join me? I could teach you how to exercise properly."
"You're not bothered by being... like that around me anymore?" the maid asked.
"Should I be?" she answered with a smile. "No, don't answer that. Look, you bathed me yet again last night. There's not an inch of me you don't know already. Around you? No. I think you've crossed beyond my shyness-line. Come on, stand here with me. The first thing you need to do is to loosen up and stretch. Do like this. Put your arms as high up in the air as you can, stretch your legs as wide apart as you can, and breathe in as deeply as you can."
The maid tried to emulate Quill-Weave. When the button shot off of her strap it hit the wall with an audible PING.
"Oh shit," the maid said, before realizing what she'd said in the presence of her Mistress, covering her mouth in embarrassment.
"It's okay. You're with the Mistress of Evil now. You can say 'shit'," Quill-Weave laughed. "Come on, let's get you out of that outfit."
Later as they both lay exhausted and sprawled across the bed, Quill-Weave realized that - though she truly no longer was embarrassed to be seen by her maid this way - there were other feelings that were as strong as ever. She caught herself watching the cat's heaving breasts and looked away.
"So, feel better now?" she asked.
"I feel spent. But good. You do that every morning?"
"Oh, not every morning. But on a fine day like this I do!"
The two lay panting on the bed until their breathing slowed. Finally Quill looked back at her maid, who returned the look. For a moment they only stared into each other's eyes, and the oddest thing about it was that Quill didn't feel in the least bit awkward. In fact, it was the maid that broke the spell first.
"Sounds like they're working on the fair-grounds for tomorrow," she said, sitting up.
Quill-Weave caught her maid's tail up in her own. She would not let this moment pass without acknowledging its significance, even if she didn't have the words for it. The khajiit looked back at her and she held her eyes again for a moment.
"Yes, it's quite an affair. It's a good day to stay away from the village, in fact. Say! How about we go for a walk instead? Have you ever visited a farm? A real working farm?"
The maid sat up at that, her ears on high alert. "No! That sounds wonderful Ma'am! Oh yes, let's!"
"Alright then, but you mustn't dress in your maid outfit. I assume you brought along some other clothes? Something that can get dirty?"
"Certainly! I have some denim pants. And perhaps a loose shirt?"
"That sounds perfect. If we walk back to the main road, about a mile down is a farmer I know. He loves talking about the place and offered to show me around. Of course, such things just aren't in keeping with my persona - but I've pretty much given that up now. I think you'd enjoy it."
"Oh yes! Oh Quill-Weave, I would love it so much!"
Despite the still-cool breeze that blew in from the window, Quill found herself warming deeply as she watched her maid's eyes sparkle with excitement. She was happy. Deeply happy. But when the maid hugged her and gave her a heartfelt kiss, suddenly she realized she wanted this cat. Not just physically, though given the current circumstances that was undeniable. But she wanted her in her life. She wanted her to be so much more than her maid.
The look her maid gave her when she backed away made it clear that the sudden, unexpected hug had had an effect on her too. There were signs that Quill could read that signified.
"Maybe... we should get dressed?" the maid offered hesitantly.
"Yes. We'd better! Go on, get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs in a half hour, okay?"
The khajiit nodded, but as she turned away, again Quill grabbed her hand.
"You know, you really are much more than a maid to me, don't you?"
The albino smiled broadly. "Of course I do. I just needed you to realize that. Now come on, let's go see a farm!"
Quill looked through her closet. She knew what she had to wear. It was de rigueur for the farmers in the area. A one-piece blue bib overall was just the thing. She'd bought it some time ago at the insistence of Mooky when she'd volunteered to help his wife work in their little garden, though she'd only worn it the one time. But as she laid it across her bed, she smiled an evil smile. Yes, if the Mistress of Evil was going to wear such a thing...
She met the maid downstairs shortly after and was pleased to see the eyes open wide when she presented herself.
"Oh!" was all the white khajiit could say.
"Well, now, the Mistress of Evil could hardly wear such a thing without adding her own touch to it now, could she?"
"I hope this farmer is secure in his family life!"
"Oh, he's an old widower. Just him and his dogs. He'd probably love to glimpse a little cleavage now and again. Besides, it's shaping up to be a warm day. Who needs an undershirt anyway? But you! You look like a natural farmer!"
The maid showed off her plain but appropriate jeans and checkered shirt. "You think so?"
"Well, khajiits aren't known for being farmers of course, but if they were, you'd look the part. Oh! Wait! I have the perfect idea! Unbutton the bottom and tie it in a knot just under your boobs!"
She pulled the shirt out of her jeans and tied it as Quill had suggested. "Like this?"
"Oh, perfect! Wait... one more thing..." Quill said and started unbuttoning the top buttons.
"Not THAT far Quill! Unlike SOME people, I do have nipples you know! Besides, I'm not the Mistress of Evil."
"You're female aren't you? You've got to have some evil in you."
"Well, okay. But only down to here. What do you think? Are we ready to hit the trail?"
"Hmm... Just one more thing..." Quill mused, then went back upstairs. She brought down two straw hats and handed one to her maid. The holes she had cut out for her fins didn't really work for the khajiit though.
"Come on," she said to Quill. "Mooky's outside. He'll have a knife. If you don't mind, I mean..."
"Of course not!"
Within the hour the two were walking down the road towards the farmer's ranch, looking just like a couple of locals. Except perhaps for their tails.

"Why would I do that?" the khajiit asked Quill-Weave.
"I... don't really know! But it does seem to be a thing they do."
"Does it taste good?"
"Probably not, but try it anyway."
The khajiit stuck the bit of straw in her mouth. "Like this?"
Quill-Weave did the same. "I think so."
The two looked at each other. The giggles began uncontrollably.
"Okay, maybe that's a bit much."
Her maid spat the straw out of her mouth. "Yeah, that part I really don't get."
They came up to the fence surrounding the ranch. Two large dogs came bounding towards them, barking, but their tails belied any concern that they were actually troublesome. As they came closer, their rear ends began to wag almost as much as their tails. In the distance, the farmer looked up from his plow and waved to them. Before long he was working his way across the field to them.
Quill-Weave put a foot up on one of the fence rails while her maid continued to pet the dogs that had gone completely docile at her touch. The man laughed as he got closer. "Well, aren't you the country girl today Quill? I heard you had a khajiit visiting."
"Hello Mr. Feldman! This is my maid...." Quill started, then realized she [i]still[/i had not asked her friend's name yet! Fortunately the khajiit spoke up to fill the void.
"Pleased to meet you Mr. Feldman," she said, and hopped over the fence in a single bound.
"Oh! Aren't you the spry one?" he replied, though his eyes strayed a bit lower than her eyes. "I see you met Gloria and Gertrude."
Not to be outdone, Quill leapt atop the top rail of the fence. "Hey, I'm spry too!"
The farmer turned back to Quill and apparently really noticed her attire for the first time. "You know, Quill, traditionally we wear..." he began.
"Oh, yes, yes. I know. You don't mind do you? It's such a nice day out and it would be a shame to be all stuffed up. Besides, I don't think it's any worse than my Evil outfit is it?"
"Worse? No! I'd not say 'worse'! But don't wear that in town or you'll get the biddies after you for indecency. Now what brings you two gals out my way?"
"I wanted to see your farm!" the maid said, now sitting with the two dogs jumping over her.
Quill turned back to Mr. Feldman. "Well, you did say to come and visit sometime, and today is such a fine day..."
"It is indeed! I was just plowing my field under, but it can wait for another time. Glad to have you! Why don't you two gals go inside while I put the team away? There's tea in the cupboard and ice in the icebox. I'll be along presently. Door's open. Go on in and make yourselves at home."
"Thank you, Mr. Feldman! We really appreciate it," Quill replied sincerely.
"Look, if you're going to come around here dressed like that, just call me Jim. It'll make me feel younger," he laughed, then headed back to the field, his dogs following their master.
The two strode from the fence across the yard to the small house that sat on top of a hill of grass not far away.
"He's a nice guy," the albino maid said as they climbed the steps to the small porch.
Quill held the door open for her. "You know, they pretty much all are out here. Some may be a bit prudish or... unschooled, but really for the most part they're good people. I think it has something to do with all the open space. They're not all crowded together like we are in the city. Plus they live closer to the earth. They depend on each other out here a lot more. Back home I barely even know my neighbor. To be fair, they do leave me well enough alone at the tower. I think Mooky is actually their way to check up on me. Make sure I'm okay."
"He's their spy on you for sure," her maid laughed.
Quill looked around. The place was old, and rather messy. But it smelled clean at heart. The farmer was a single guy, and as such there was a certain amount of clutter to be expected. But he obviously kept the place up well. There were some modest paintings on the walls of people she assumed to be Mr. Feldman's relations. A full length portrait of a woman stood over the fireplace though.
"Mrs. Feldman?" the khajiit asked.
"I assume so. She was a real beauty, wasn't she?"
Her maid stood beside her. The artistry was impressive. "She was. Doesn't look the type to live on a farm."
"Kinda sad though."
"Yeah. To live out here all alone, and seeing her here all the time. She looks pretty young."
"Before you ask, I have no idea how long it's been. I didn't want to be nosy. He's a nice man, and it wouldn't feel right to pry."
"I understand. Well, have a seat on the couch, Quill. I'll go get that tea..."
Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible
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(Thanks again Kuro!)
Ch 8 is written and got another Kuro illustration ready for it too. Kinda nice having a bit of a cushion.
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Also the art is amazing Kuro, nice job you two