Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.


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_Noxygen_: Say sike right now

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APayne1776_2: You know what they say all toasters toast toast

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Skybolt06: Poor Kat XD, what happened to her?
At least she can enjoy a nice pop tart, nice art lol

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KuroNeko: I'm sorry but I'm going to have to take your artist card for making this :p

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NotGodOkay: How dare you do this to us?
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TempIntel: @APayne1776_2 well you know, toasters can also be used in the bathtub!

KuroNeko My art was getting too cute, I had to sneak in a shitpost somewhere XD

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Zargothrax: This is the highest form of ART.

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Rick2tails: to quote Michael Jordon "stop it! get some help"

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damrok4321: what

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Sashimi: This is strange, I don't get it, but it makes me laugh! Well done.