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Uploader Zerorganic,
Tags 3D artist:Zerorganic character:Quill-Weave portrait
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Almighty_Kat: I have a feeling you are making a Quill mod for Skyrim. Already am a huge fan of your Katia mod.

Very nice!

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Zerorganic: Eventually. I have to admit in terms of the katia mod i mainly edited and overworked the mesh and texture stuff. All the technical details, in terms of how to set the mesh and animation data up for skyrim to use, is still part of the original mod created by Quites. Im pretty much just the modeling guy

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Kyot_Morfal: Can I ask a question? if this is a mod for a game, why are all mods trying to replicate the proportions of the original? this in itself looks interesting, but against the background of the general picture of the game it is very out-of-the-box

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Zerorganic: well, mainly because i want the characters to look like the actual characte.Like you see them in the comic. i try to make them not look too much out of place by baking some details into their head and body texture. Sure, it will always look out of place. Cartoonish lizards and khajiits next to realistic humans... but i rather have it this way. Just having a generic khajiit with yellow fur or a argonian with brownish scales just doesent do it for me personally.My goal is to make the modles look as close as possible to the original comic characters.

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Kyot_Morfal: Mmm, okay, thanks for answer

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Zerorganic: is somebody willing to look with me into how to exactly convert blender mesh heads into for skyrim usuable nif files?
id like to put more prequel characters into skyrim
since they could also be used for all the other fan mods and remakes like skyblivion
tho im not really willing to learn from scratch how to set them up for skyrim
i learned how to use those files and how to edit them, mainly on a visual level and how to integrate them into the creation engine to work in the game
but yea. actually setting them up from scratch is uh...
im too lazy
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ShouldBeStudying: I have not worked with nif files in a while; however, I know of some ways to get you somewhat started in bringing models to Skyrim/Skyrim SE.
https://github.com/niftools/blender_niftools_addon (There are a few blender plugins that you can use to convert files into the nif format)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089?tab=files&file_id=157335 (This allows you to make the file ready for Skyrim or Skyrim SE)
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/201 (I believe outfit studio also allows for conversions)

I apologize if this is not exactly what you are looking for. This is all I know... Good luck!