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Uploader Lithesra,
Tags artist:Lithesra character:Katia_Managan Cosplay crossover Khajiit modern_clothing quest_book
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Lithesra: Decided to draw Katia as Malkuth from LoR, since I figured they have a number of similarities with their generally chipper demeanour, constant failure and pyromania. I also just wanted an excuse to try out the brush, as the previous thing I made really wore me down with the repetitive colouring and made me loathe using the pen tool (that thing took me TWO WEEK of on and off drawing, and it didn't even turn out good).

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Zargothrax: I love crossovers like these (even when I know nothing of the related game)!
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Jiftoo: did not expect to see this crossover at all!