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Tags adorable argonian artist:Bluedraggy artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave Saturalia
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bluedraggy: Do Not Open Till Christmas!

Oddly I didn't actually see Kuro's original here anywhere! It might be a couple months late, but I think a playful snark at a certain unfinished game is always valid any time of year!
Also I learned that transparency is not ALWAYS better. Just usually. But with that belt untied it appears the only thing holding that robe closed is cleavage. That's quite sexy enough for me! (Actually it probably is held together with Drama Velcro but don't break my headcanon.) And finally, holly berries are red. Mistletoe berries are white. That always bothered me when an artist makes them red.

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Sashimi: TWO Kuro brand Quill pics in quick succession? We must have been good or somethin!

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Sashimi: Very nice colorin there, D!

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Rick2tails: nice work Draggy!!
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TempIntel: lovely Quill Kuro!