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Tags artist:Hapumf character:Katia_Managan character:Kazerad Khajiit monochrome sketch text
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Hapumf: That was my third sketch of Katia, i never kind of drew something before so it's my first experience, i drew it about 2 month ago while was inspired by the comic, and not knowing what to put in her hand i put drawing away, but inspired by Kradz drawings i drew her little cute Kaz)
I never drew hands before, so i was kind of surprised that it turned not that bad.
But still, i need more practise and inspiration to overcome spoon digging.

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Zargothrax: That is a very good looking han indeed!

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Zargothrax: *hand

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AMKitsune: Katia: "So, you created me?"
Kaz (doing his merry little leprechaun jig): "Aye, for sure, that I did."
Katia: "But you're so... tiny! How did you even..."
Kaz: "Ye pixels are just the right size for me to carry around in me magic backpack."
Katia: "But still, you're positively miniscule!"
Kaz: "... I have a family history of leprechaun dwarfism, and didn't eat me veggies growing up as a wee sprout. Get off me case woman!"