The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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TempIntel: skooooom, this is a sketch I did a while ago but I kinda just gave up on it

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bluedraggy: Looks pretty good to me! Maybe the paler belly color missing and a bit of tail to the side wouldn't hurt,
but I kinda wonder what else you had in mind.
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TempIntel: @bluedraggy oh my gosh, how did I forget her chest color? The idea I had in my head didn't translate into the drawing, but maybe it wasn't a good idea to begin with :/

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Rick2tails: Katia looks good to me here

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APayne1776_TheThird: This is nice.

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ADudeCalledLeo: cute. good art!

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Zargothrax: Hey, this is very nicely drawn! Also, for a a khajiit themed art site, there are surpriningly few skooma-themed drawings here.