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Uploader AMKitsune,
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AMKitsune: Ok, so I was in a little discord screen share call with Kaz and co. earlier, and while everyone else was being productive, I ended up doodling a little Katia, who ever so slowly over the course of the call, got sadder and sadder. She's just been waiting for so long...

This is your fault Kaz. You could have prevented this!

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vsauce4: As Freddie Mercury once said, "I could get married and divorced at that time"

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rollanan: damn Kaz for making her cry again! we shall comfort her by showing appreciation to her, one way to do that is to draw, yes we all need to draw her more, that shall make her happy!

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milkcan: ooaah

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Kibermozgai: It ain't an update if it wasn't marinaded for at least a year