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birdlover: Witness me kaz, witness how I have turned your dog water into something the gods themselves would envy.

A pure creation.

A pure MS paint drawing

Something beyond your comprehension.

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Robbyn: This is beautiful. I love this. I adore this with the deepest recess of my being. I will cry my heart out and shout from the top of my lungs how much i needed, no, how i CRAVED and longed for this to be a part of my life until i run out of my last breath.
It's as if I've been freed from all my mortal shackles, my menial and meaningless misery, the dreadful and never-ending struggle that is existence, as if life itself lost all its meaning, because this is my life now. This is something far above and beyond myself. This is my meaning.

Thank you. I've been saved.
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NewFace: This literally brings tears to my eyes. There is yet beauty in this update-less world. Thank you. Thank you so much, for this.