DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions. Image Uploader Yeltsa_Kcir, August 15, 2024; 07:08 Tags character:bartender dwemer_technology firearms Khajiit modern_clothing monochrome sketch text Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible August 15, 2024; 07:08 - Reply Yeltsa_Kcir: Drew the Bartender as that Turkish guy in the Air Pistol Shooting sport... August 15, 2024; 15:52 - Reply Zargothrax: Now we have both of the major memes from the Olympics here. Nice I was also considering drawing this. But with BRIAR-bird and his wand-gun August 16, 2024; 02:57 - Reply TheGibusGuy: Awh, love her baggy t-shirt. August 16, 2024; 21:02 - Reply Rick2tails: he was an expert shot as an adventurer ..until he took an arrow to the knee August 20, 2024; 18:48 - Reply spatuladoom: as a turk this has my seal of approval
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I was also considering drawing this. But with BRIAR-bird and his wand-gun
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