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Radiocaster: Decided to go for a different comic structure for this little side-story. Let me know if you guys love it or hate it. It's nice because I don't have to make a full-size image for every little expression, and it's generally more compact. I might use a similar thing for future updates unless people really want me to keep steali- er I mean, doing it in PREQUEL's style. For what it's worth, I didn't really intend to "continue" PREQUEL, just tell a different kind of story in a deliberately alternate timeline. Also because it's kind of weird to fan-continue a story that still gets updates.

Be mindful of the little things always scurrying about... hiding around corners...

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Rick2tails: you can "update" prequel the same way the anime sometimes outpaces the manga and goes off on its own tangent ? XD

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Jig_Bigga: oh gosh she’s having nightmares

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Radiocaster: By the way, if nobody has found it yet, you can find the spider hidden somewhere here

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Lemonbread: Yay my favorite character! Love Atrantu La. Also I only just discovered the fanart site and made an account to comment on this specifically