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8Aerondight8: I do need likes, comments and upvotes, wanna know why?


That one day, every person on this site gets an update. A prequel of truly timely updates damnit!

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8Aerondight8: Cant wait to play it! In like 2 years when i get a PC that can run it and when it gets patched!

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8Aerondight8: @ADudeCalledLeo: I'm sure the game will be great once they patch the hell out of it

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8Aerondight8: Kot is cute!

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8Aerondight8: "Wake the fuck up, we got a city to burn!"

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8Aerondight8: Yeah, you probably saw this one coming.

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8Aerondight8: @TempIntel: I don't think anyone liked it.
@Un_Mapache: I take comfort in knowing that I'll die way before things go really bad

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8Aerondight8: Continuing the trend of putting Katia in old movies that I liked as a form of complaining how there are so few good movies now.

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8Aerondight8: @Caps: Yep thats what I've been listening to while drawing. This is also a good one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yZv4giBvn8

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8Aerondight8: She's the dark hero we need!

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8Aerondight8: At first this looked like you set fire to a pile of magnesium.

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8Aerondight8: @bluedraggy: I honestly forgot how the default oblivion underwear looked like, so i drew it from memory which turned out wasn't reliable.

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8Aerondight8: Well drawn tho.

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8Aerondight8: @RoninSmall: Wut?

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8Aerondight8: I can neither confirm nor deny whether or not that's just a pineapple rug, or a giant pervy pineapple...

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8Aerondight8: Some belly rubs for Katia because she deserves them. Oh and Kaz if you see this, some more reference material of Katia and Quill would be appreciated, especially how their heads are supposed to look from different angles.

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8Aerondight8: Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!

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8Aerondight8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d849tqniiI

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8Aerondight8: @forestOverlord: WTF?
Where did she go?! I could have sworn I drew yellow slutcat???

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8Aerondight8: Is the welkynd kitty like an endless source of mana? OMG are regular cats the same like in the Witcher-verse

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8Aerondight8: The devil's in the titails.

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8Aerondight8: Welp there goes sleeping tonight.

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8Aerondight8: Ever considered making Katia bobbleheads?

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8Aerondight8: Katia: "Crom, where is the wizard who killed my update?!"

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8Aerondight8: Does Makkon have like a site where he post his art stuff?

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8Aerondight8: Kaz only accepts the highest of resolution nekkid Cat, accept no substitutes!

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8Aerondight8: @Lykozze: you should still do it!

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8Aerondight8: Cute, if kind of hard to look at.

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8Aerondight8: @bluedraggy: Start learning how to do it. Make your dreams come true!

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8Aerondight8: This is my dump stat.

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8Aerondight8: This is very cute

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8Aerondight8: This is kind of like the whip lightsaber. It might sound cool but really it's just asking for serious injury.

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8Aerondight8: @Pepsidude: *starts foaming at the mouth* Nurse! Quickly, the sedative!

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8Aerondight8: @MetalC0Mmander: The top part (bra?) Isn't just sitting there. It's slightly pulling the brests upward and the nipples are caught just the bottom part. Or at least thats my perverted reason.

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8Aerondight8: @Norad2: I like to think that I improved over the years.

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8Aerondight8: @Enheldor: yes

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8Aerondight8: @Enheldor: I was trying to be clever. The last letter is R and it's not the same as the first.

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8Aerondight8: @furnut: rewatched it recently with a friend

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8Aerondight8: @Preston_Garvey: would be funny if she ends up hitting the hostage

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8Aerondight8: I had way too much fun making this. At first I was worried about posting this because what if Kaz had just posted his update an here I am making fun of the long wait. Boy I'd really have egg on my face but luckily Kaz came through and didn't update. :p

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8Aerondight8: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I didn't draw this because I wanted to put Katia in a skin tight suit, nope!

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8Aerondight8: @Rick2tails: Another great movie!

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8Aerondight8: Seriously who's the rider really supposed to be like from the original picture?

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8Aerondight8: I feel old...

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8Aerondight8: It's uhh... Enchanted! Yeah that's it!

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8Aerondight8: @sHiiNe: It's probably going to be death by accidental arson... again.

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8Aerondight8: This will only end in tears.

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8Aerondight8: drawing people is hard...

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8Aerondight8: Awww

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8Aerondight8: Very cute!
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