Submit images and feed on the tears of mortal cats.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Adroma: Is this like a running thing now? Drawing over cat memes to make them Katia? Because I love it and don't want it to stop.

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Adroma: I actually really like this, very pretty

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Adroma: Fine art as always

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Adroma: Does she just not have nipples? Also this is really pretty.

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Adroma: The sad, sad argonian maid

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Adroma: That's a stab dab. She stabbed herself in the eye while dabbing

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Adroma: I think I want to do some Katia woodwork now.

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Adroma: My request was completed, I thank you.

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Adroma: Cat booty. Katia's face from him casually washing her cat boobs is kind of hillarious.

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Adroma: Khajiit nipples are strange. This isn't all that bad she kinda looks cool with those piercings. 10/10 though probably would not bang.

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Adroma: Chubby Khajiit are always cute in my book.

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Adroma: Omg I just kept flipping it that deep one got a serious lawful punching.

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Adroma: This is beautiful, thank you

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Adroma: How to summon a Xivilai:30 sexy steps

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Adroma: Thank you for gracing my eyeballs with this

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Adroma: Well done, co-memelord Monkfish

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Adroma: this is marvelous

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Adroma: If Kaz comments I will be satisfied

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Adroma: Her tail is shaped like the top of a question mark, is it now questionable?

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Adroma: Sneaky sneaker sneaking sneak

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Adroma: Is someone else creating dank memes?

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Adroma: There is no way to misuse a tail, they are quite versatile

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Adroma: This is Katia's reaction to the total mess that is purrgatory.

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Adroma: I want fall Katia shirts

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Adroma: Boob eyebrows

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Adroma: In Kaz's closet

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Adroma: Is this because she just so happened to survive the burning down of kvatch, and therefore won by default? Or is it because she's just so fabulous?

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Adroma: @MetalC0Mmander: Okay, I don't want to be rude, but this is how alcohol works, to be happy while drinking, you had to be happy beforehand. Alcohol amplifies your mood, so if you're super sad, it only gets worse and alcoholics know this yet they continue drinking for the numbness it provides. There is definitely false happiness, like when you try to ignore how terrible everything is and smile when you really want to go kill yourself. I can assume from very personal experience that all ALCOHOLICS, are depressed on some level.

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Adroma: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I also have experience with alcoholics, it runs in my family. So it's okay I understand *hugs*

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Adroma: @MetalC0Mmander: I can see what you mean. Being in an alchol dazed state does make you happy for a really short time, if you try not to focus on the fact that you're piss drunk.

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Adroma: I can vouch for TGWAKW. When an alcoholic drinks, it's because they feel like it's the only thing they can do. Giving in, in a sense, is giving up. The worst part about blacking out is that you always have to face the cringy stuff you did while completely smashed. Like friendships you might have ruined or in Katia's case, the awkward moment when you meet the guy you just banged for the first time sober.

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Adroma: This one recently had a look at Modryen Oren's painting while playing Oblivion and thought, hey, why not make this into what Adroma believes will be the main theme of the flash in progress?(sigrid getting burnt to a crisp)

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Adroma: Please let this win

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Adroma: I cannot do the Velmas and homework at the same time

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Adroma: Is it weird that I find the traveling enchanter super hot?

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Adroma: Technically, most cats are always naked! So maybe questionableness is only determined by how human she is, such as adding nipples or um...other parts. Cute drawing btw.

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Adroma: Hello Booru, it's me, the procrastinating Adroma. I decided to finish this while waiting for ESO's Shadow of the Hist update, which took an hour. Anyway, if you're not angry with me for missing my deadline, leave a suggestion for the next Velma. EX: Adroma: Quit procrastinating.

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Adroma: By the way regular updates means weekly. Sometimes if I'm in the Velma mood I'll make one bi-weekly, if I get enough suggestions.

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Adroma: :highwayman is :pleased

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Adroma: @DavidTheZettaNerd: Never

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Adroma: Yet another Jinkies! I've been very occupied with family issues so I couldn't make the edits for a while. But I'm back now and intend to do regular updates. Leave suggestions here: Ex-Velma-Get your sH*t together

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Adroma: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: just kidding it's actually a pretty cute ship

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Adroma: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: tgwakw X Katia

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Adroma: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: ah, but you are mistaken! Twas not Bill that fucked up, Katia is the culprit for not seeing the blossoming love inside bill's heart for her, and when she realized her mistake, she immediately went to him and declared her love. And so is proven to be the only valid prequel ship.

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Adroma: I am back from the dead! I found myself struck with the flu after my vacation and could not make the quality Velma edits. Leave your suggestions here, there's almost a 100% chance yours will be featured. Ex.:Velma-make comics on time

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Adroma: @Enheldor: I am vacationing, but I have not abandoned it. Velma will return.

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Adroma: Did you buy that pineapple specifically for this?

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Adroma: This quality art took an entire hour. Thank you to the people who left the wonderful and talented Velma commands. You can leave more suggestions here. ex: Velma-make fanfiction
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