All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Anowon: Feck

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Anowon: That Lenny face pumpkin knows too much.

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Anowon: She watches while you rest. I wonder what she's seeing. I wonder if she can see.

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Anowon: The faces alone make this the best thing I've seen all week.

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Anowon: My phone has failed...

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Anowon: The first yo-yo image. IT'S A SIGN!

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Anowon: Katia is having another bad dream about giant kings.

What started off as a practice drawing of a hand turned into this abomination. There was a random character in place of Katia originally, but I changed it to Katia in order to post it somewhere, hence the cape. I couldn't draw her face correctly .

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Anowon: @angrybacteria That is single handedly the greatest thing I have ever read in my life.

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Anowon: @Toxic I was thinking the same thing... I live and breath his in-depth descriptions.

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Anowon: I really like the texture.
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