Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.

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Arcsome: @AMKitsune: I agree. Good judging kazerad.

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Arcsome: To tell you the truth I kinda new this piece would win. Congratulations on the win. <3

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Arcsome: I love how vader is all like "yes my lord" and she is just like "first we take over the moon to establish a universal taco shop" lol

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Arcsome: @Fralex: lol. You just blew my mind.If there was a prize for most creative it would be yours. My entries were just blah.

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Arcsome: OMG I just notice that's rajirra back there. Why does it look like she is about to snap katias neck.

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Arcsome: Call me crazy but this is a pretty cool idea. I like how the chess pieces can be a metaphor for many things. But what do they mean.

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Arcsome: I think theres all kind of story to be told in a piece like this. Your entrie is definitely one level above my entries.

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Arcsome: Love it

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Arcsome: I love this picture but there is a little detail that kinda funny. If you pay attention to her tail it looks like it glitched through the chair.lol brings back memories of my khajiit in skyrim.

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Arcsome: Holy crap. Her freaking hands are gone.

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Arcsome: She is obviously trying to find some kind of alcoholic drink.
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