Mortal fiction is pathetic. Any mention of 'spoilers' will usher forth a cleansing flame.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Bakannon: Look at her flex those literary muscles.

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Bakannon: For some reason I remember the original version of this very clearly from the stream. Regardless, I do really like the mixed media look.

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Bakannon: I'll never look at pretzels the same way ever again...I mean, unless I eat pretzel sticks, but they're like, 80% less fun despite being the same food.

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Bakannon: I don't know if its cliche to say so, but this was easily one of my two favorite parts, the other one being the ending, so I'd say I preferred this path overall.

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Bakannon: @Toryu-Mau: Well, some plot important characters in the game have magical abilities, mostly for unsealing something, but have no magic useful in battle, so their magic is still labeled "Nothing." In fact, characters who don't learn spells have no MP at all. I just gave Quill MP in this screen to acknowledge the fact that she has SOME magic. Pity that she's an archer though, in Shining Force terms that means she's useless unless you give her a cannon, but I digress.

@Raydio: I don't know who that is! But I'm sure they're swell.

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Bakannon: I like how the ketchup "accidentally" spilt in the shape of a smiley face right on the head. No seriously, that face makes me laugh harder than it should. Don't know whether it's the context or the face itself.

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Bakannon: I made one of these awhile back for Katia, figured I'd do one for Quill. This one however is slightly animated (the first thing I've ever animated in fact!) Again, this is based off of an old Genesis game called Shining Force and again, I really don't know if these stats are even close to accurate, I just went with what felt right.

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Bakannon: @Kazerad: Ooh, I see. A combination of wording, another piece of fanart, and the whole not being able to see her exact position thing made me believe that.

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Bakannon: I started making this before I found out her head was stuck in the bars and I didn't want to start over.

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Bakannon: @DoubleTapMaster: Man, I totally share that sentiment about seeing mistakes in your art AFTER uploading it, I hate that feeling, but I kinda just try to accept it, learn from it and move on. And hey, I think you did a good job. I mean, I'm not buttologist, but I think you did a good job with the butt as a focal point.

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Bakannon: Reminds me a commission I got from Kaz a long while ago, except it was Dimitri in question wearing the uniform. We'll have the entirety of the Prequel cast recruited into Team Skull in no time! Also I really love the ears poking through the beanie, good work!

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Bakannon: Holy crap, I don't know how I didn't notice these things before, but I just got caught up and my god man, good work. I like the idea that the update is taking so long the community was resorted to participating in its own mini series, it's kind of dumb in the best way, keep up the good work.

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Bakannon: With Katia about to do some sneaking in the upcoming update, and with the recent release of Persona 5 starring Phantom Thieves, I figured I'd draw the game's mascot character Morgana helping Katia out with the whole breaking and entering thing.

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Bakannon: Not to dis anyone who've made fanart about how long the update is taking, even thought about making one of my own, but this one's my favorite of that category.

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Bakannon: Again, you probably aren't too far off.

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Bakannon: Second commission I got from Kaz a while back. I asked for Katia interacting with Alef, a character from Shining Force. I chose to pair these two together since Alef is like the best mage in that game. Also Katia had an easy time learning destruction magic, and that's the only kind of magic Alef uses to nuke half the battlefield. I figured they'd get along, and apparently so did Kaz.

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Bakannon: Oh, someone fixed it for me. Thus rendering my previous comment null and void. Many thanks mod gods.

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Bakannon: Crap, thought I saved that rotation edit. Someone take this down, I'll reupload it correctly later.

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Bakannon: Hi Kat. Hi, Kaz. Hi, GoodIdeas. Hi, Xeno.

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Bakannon: Pixel art and animation is always fun to see, nice work!

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Bakannon: Now this is an obscure idea, but it's Prequel related, I assure you. Heck, I don't even know how to label this character...if you could even call them that. I'm actually curious to see who'll figure it out first. Heck, someone might know it right off the bat.

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Bakannon: Ooo, how might I look into getting a copy of this book? It looks neat! Also, nice doodles!

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Bakannon: This is something I threw together. Don't ask me why, I'm not sure myself.

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Bakannon: Oh boy, I can't wait to unlock Metal Katia.

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Bakannon: Nice sketches! I really like the muscle detail on the bottom one. I should sketch more myself...

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Bakannon: @Vidiotdragon: Technically, that number only goes up if a character dies. So it would actually be accurate. Not sure about the kills though. I feel like 6 might be close at least.

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Bakannon: So this is an idea I had that I finally decided to make. I really like this old genesis strategy game series called Shining Force, probably more than I should, and one character early on in the second game had a status screen that I figured would be super easy to edit to match Katia. Also I got lazy and used the Katia walking sprite from the interactive game bits of Prequel.

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Bakannon: These are two things that I never expected to coincide.

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Bakannon: I'm surprised Quill isn't desensitized to Katia's antics involving a lack of clothing by now.

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Bakannon: @Geravind: If you're being serious, it's supposed to be a small trowel type object half buried in the kitty litter. If you're being sarcastic, then yes I agree that I could have done better in making it clear what the object is. I will try to improve my drawing of handheld tools in the future.

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Bakannon: I don't see a lot of fanart of Dmitri, thought I'd show him some appreciation. Sure he hasn't been relevant in a long time, but I even checked and there's only about thirty images with Dmitri's tag. I wonder if he's just less popular than the other characters.

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Bakannon: Simple enough, but you definitely have all the main components working well enough to do something bigger in the future! Also, the writing was pretty in character far as I could tell. (Well, as in character as one character and fake commands can be) And hey, as small as it was, it was better then anything I could program.

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Bakannon: Whoa, this is neat! I'd love to see this go further.

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Bakannon: I was looking back at all the pixel art and animations you did and figured I'd give my thoughts on your most recent one; they're all really good! And from what I can gather you're making a big thing with all of them, that should be neat!

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Bakannon: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Danke! (I don't know German, used Google translate)

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Bakannon: First time posting here. I recently discovered Prequel (and by recently I mean a few months ago) and really enjoyed it, and finally got around to making some fanart. The community here seems nice. The image is a bit rough, I could make the excuse of I'm still trying to get the hang of my tablet and drawing software, but I still like it. I just hope I did everything correctly in terms of tagging and uploading.
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