Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Blue_Dragon: How did I miss this? Why, this alone will keep me going for at least another week of no updates! I'd repost it somewhere, but I don't think they'd get it.

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Blue_Dragon: This is suddenly a much more appropriate fanart now. I was expecting a new one, but this does nicely.

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Blue_Dragon: Your art is improving killer fish! That's eating like a witch hunter!

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Blue_Dragon: @SomeShadyGuy: You're right. I actually looked up that image on e621 and found it there under Rek. But that was an edit. I shoulda known better!

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Blue_Dragon: This cookie is a lie. Kaz says they (and thus she) is indeed sweet. :-)

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Blue_Dragon: Oh, nevermind. GOTTA be Rek.

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Blue_Dragon: More returned from 4chan lurkfest.

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Blue_Dragon: Because I lurk 4chan constantly. Was debating on this or the nipless version, but since both prolly should be questionable, why not? And because I suck at guessing the artist, though I SHOULD know, I don't.

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Blue_Dragon: I put in the source. If that's not Socks' work, I'm losing all talent at detecting styles.

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Blue_Dragon: Oh no you don't Kaz. You don't scribble this and then go and hide it over on /co with ME stalking you! Nonono. I was ABOUT to put it on facebook fan page, but na... they don't have a questionable tag. ^_^

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Blue_Dragon: Leave it to me to be the first to push the envelope too far! I'm known to do that - afraid my porn-sensor is set too high apparently. Well, at least I can stir things up while the site's gone dead. What's really odd is that I didn't catch that Quill was missing her tail! Maybe it grew out later? Well, if it is too much, so be it. Just so it's known that it was my decision to post it, Sentient had nothing to do with it. (And in my defense, no pineapples in sight!)

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Blue_Dragon: I assume so - though the only similarity I recognize is the hair-bun-thing. But isn't Quill the cutest thing ever here?

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Blue_Dragon: Why this hasn't been uploaded already is beyond me, but it just needs to be here. Sentient Socks FTW (again). Yeah, a couple nudes - but they surely are perfect for the Questionable tag right? (Rejects indeed! SS is insane.)
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