Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Boaty: @Mr_O: Purple = Blue + Red

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Boaty: Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Boaty: Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Boaty: Or perhaps lock one you already opened...

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Boaty: You will unlock a door you may haven't seen before.

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Boaty: Readers. Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible.

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Boaty: @AMKitsune: I don't have gif-making software. Do you know where I could download some? Legally? I can help explain what might me happening, without breaking the contest rules.

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Boaty: @NotGodOkay: Use the black list. Do you really want the easiest way to filter out most of the porn?

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Boaty: There's a whole lot of corn fields in this place. Weather here is... a bit wonky. Temperamental.

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Boaty: The sun glasses? An atronach gave it to him, after painting them black.

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Boaty: I wish I had free gif-making software. I could show you exactly how this could've happened - within the confines of the contest...

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Boaty: Wait... is this technically my OC or yours, Kazerad?

I made this following all the contest rules... ???

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Boaty: @Streewind Nah, Pelinal killed the AYLEID elves because they enslaved the humans of Cyrodiil. The evil/morally complacent Ayleids.

And not fun consensual bedtime kinky slavery or marriage. Or even work-on-a-plantation slavery, like the Dunmer do. No like, the kind where gas chambers and masses of people are involved, where human kids are turned into pinatas for amusement, tortured for literally music and flesh art, death gauntlets set up so slaves can't ESCAPE (not to keep people out), etc. BAD ELVES.

And Pelinal isn't racist. He was completely okay with Alessia marrying a minotaur. He's cool with beastkin, and interracial couples. And he let non-combatant Ayleids go, ones who didn't want to join Umaril. Most of them relocated to Daggerfall.

If Pelinal *is* racist, it's because he does not give a shit flying fuck what your race is. He will tell an Altmer he is a pisskin, just as much as an oOrc is a hogface horker, just as much as he'll tell a human they're a tailess monkey, and so on.

He accidentally massacred a bunch of khajiit though, because he mistook them for Ayleids (khajiit have different morphotypes, some of which look nearly identical to elves). Akatosh literally told him to stop. Alkosh too, I think.

Pelinal does, however, despise dogshit priests that do nothing but spout worthless godtalk instead of taking action and doing good.

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Boaty: In retrospect, I probably should've changed the "Danger" sign to "Danzig". Might make even more sense.
And I just now realize this isn't in gif format. My point still stands.

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Boaty: The rules to the Long Gif Contest were vague and loose enough to allow this sort of stuff to happen - completely legal under the rules that were give. (https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/1318).

I made with with paint.net, and extreme use of the "magic wand" tool and layers.

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Boaty: Best dad.

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Boaty: Yeah, I know that feeling. I gotta thick blanket of +10 Comfy to wrap up in.
It's such a tragedy, too hot to wear it in the summer.

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Boaty: Nice work!

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Boaty: @GrizzlyBear: TO be honest, I'm hoping this will be a catalyst for more edit.

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Boaty: It had to be done - dark forces compelled me to.

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Boaty: @APayne1776: Believable.
The Black Hand society's attempt on Ferdinand was a hilarious fuckup that borderlines slapstick comedy. It only ended in success after one assassin decided to get a sandwich after failing the first time, only to have the duke roll right up next to him and then have his car stall.
Extra Credits did an episode on it

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Boaty: He wouldn't happen to be looking for these, would he?

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Boaty: My my, that's a lot of communism you got there. It'd be a shame if someone were to...

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Boaty: @KuroNeko Maybe. Maybe both. In Skyrim we can find both horse meat and Nords riding horses, implying Nords both eat and ride them. there's also dog meats and dogs as pet, so yeah...

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Boaty: @gpainfox55: >Katarina Manakin

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Boaty: @timbles: Because this state vague looks like a sadcat head.

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Boaty: What a wonderful state to live in.

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Boaty: I like to imagine that this is Katia, 15-20 years in the future (age 35-40).

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Boaty: The amazing thing is that the "apples" mini-meme was also born during the same stream as "nekkid lizards".
Both stuck, and now new stream viewers are completely confused about both, wonder why the hell everyone is saying "nekkid lizards" and "apples".
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