All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.

Dramatic Descriptions

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Bokdan0: super cool!

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Bokdan0: @TheGibusGuy: Neat, you are the first one to catch this detail :D

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Bokdan0: @Makkon: @Jig_Bigga: @APayne1776_TheThird: Thanks fellas :D

@NewFace: I blame Kazerad for this :p

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Bokdan0: Katia Witch. Or Rajira. Idk they all look the same.

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Bokdan0: Prequel has really nice art, good work on those Makkon!

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Bokdan0: April 1st challenge doodle.

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Bokdan0: cool :0

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Bokdan0: I like this a lot :0
Good job!

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Bokdan0: She looks sad, but also cute. Good job!
And thanks for your work :D

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Bokdan0: Looks amazing, thank you a lot!

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Bokdan0: @Makkon: Thank you![
url=site://post/view/8417#c51056]@Rick2tails[/url]: True, i forgot him.

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Bokdan0: Forgot to post it before, but here we go with all the glorious khajits on one picture c:

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Bokdan0: @bluedraggy: It looks great, thank you for coloring her!

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Bokdan0: Wonderfull khajit :0

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Bokdan0: Neat stuff!
I love how it turned out in the end :D

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Bokdan0: @bluedraggy: lovely work! I really like high contrast!

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Bokdan0: Katia <3

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Bokdan0: Betrayed

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Bokdan0: Rajirra <3

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Bokdan0: @bluedraggy: It looks great :0
Thanks a lot for coloring it!

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Bokdan0: @bluedraggy: She can and will kill anyone, who dares to look at her.

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Bokdan0: It must be Matrix error :p

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Bokdan0: Ngl, drawing Khajits after such a long break was quite fun.

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Bokdan0: @Nidhoggrd: @Sashimi: @rollanan: Thanks fellas :D

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Bokdan0: @damrok4321: Ye, it changes the vibe completely and makes her pose feel playful chilling, and sitting on the cliff or smth.

For the uninitiated, this is what the earlier version looked like.

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Bokdan0: Long time no see.
Anyway, here is the best girl in an Egyptian theme.

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Bokdan0: "achievement unlocked"
cool :0

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Bokdan0: How did she manage to put clothes on without proper hands?
Either way good job

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Bokdan0: My part of the calendar collab. Piece was inspired with those random shower thoughts, what if...
As always, full res version in the sources.

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Bokdan0: Oh god of frick!
My evil plan to make you all likes Rajirra has been exposed!
Sorry, Kuroneko but now I will have to silence you.

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Bokdan0: @_Noxygen_: @ADudeCalledLeo: @APayne1776_2: I'm working on a gif there a hand is patting Kat and making her purr. It's also the reason why I made those sketches.
So you will have it in the future.

@_Noxygen_: it's easier to talk about those Katia's when they are numbered, Also I can render one of those numbered Katia's.
I want to have something smaller to work on while I take a break from bigger works.

For now, number 1 and 12 have one vote for rendering.

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Bokdan0: Thanks, guys :3
I'd like to ask which katia is your favorite and which one deserves a rendering in your opinion.

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Bokdan0: A compilation of Katia sketches I made so I can prepare for the gif. Some of them are not too bad so I thought that I can post them here.

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Bokdan0: the hero we need but not the one we deserve
Neat lizard Kuro

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Bokdan0: Thanks, guys!

@Zargothrax: Kat #4 is the result of her begin captured and attacked by a dog while she was sneaking at night through houses. The owner didn't like the Khajiit thief so he threw her at the dungeon and here she is, wounded, without hope (she has a new silencer collar to surpass her magic), after assault and capture.

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Bokdan0: It was a long time since the last time I posted something here tho I still remember Katia and spent this time learning how to draw.
I have plans for a few gifs with her but first, I need to "feel" her form and be able to draw the same Katia over and over again.

So here we are, with a bunch of sketches of Katia.

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Bokdan0: That's so cool. I love how the king tentacles are flowing through the panel lines. Good job.

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Bokdan0: Great job I love how it turned out in the end.

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Bokdan0: Magnificent lizard you made, also I love lizards from divinity originals sin 2. I even have some plans to cross quill with those lizards in short series.

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Bokdan0: Thanks very much for these nice words.

The prequel showed me an entirely new world of webcomics and in the end, inspired me to start drawing so I'm glad I was able to add something here.

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Bokdan0: Thanks very much for the kind words.

@KuroNeko: This sounds like a challenge to make you even more sorry for her or to animate this poor naked Qill on the parachute

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Bokdan0: Heavier version with better colors as always in the source.

It was quite fast to paint and I should probably spend more time on her face to make it look better but on the bright side, steam looks better than I excpected.

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Bokdan0: Rajirra having a bad dream.

I manage to complete for Halloween but it was still one of the longest pieces I made.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it :3

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Bokdan0: That's 2 lovely Katia's, good job.

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Bokdan0: Thank you all for the kind words

@Zargothrax: Mask is the main focal point so I gave it the most love, glad you like it. Somehow while painting, her face shape evolved into rat kinda look

@ADudeCalledLeo: Highwaymans don't stand a chance.

@AMKitsune: This piece was basically the dance with opacity, sizes, and colors to get it done. I made few pars of layers (one for basic color and the second with alpha on to do highlight), for example, the terminator is made on 6 layers.
The story behind it is open for any interpretation.
Mine was that: drunk Katia + magic = all kind of "friends". Blood belongs to the enemies that she pointed (while begin drunk) to her companion but now she is sober, not sure what is going on, where her clothing is, and who is this dude she is riding.

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Bokdan0: That moment when Katia wake up after a drunk night and discover that her legs have changed.

Small drawing to test Stanton Principle I discovered and wanted to apply, and practice digitigrade characters.

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Bokdan0: A friend ask me to draw a black templar terminator and I wanted to draw Katia and here we are. Seeing this heresy.

The entire piece was made with only 1 brush, without any blending tool, and without any fancy effects just to see how this will go.

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Bokdan0: That is epic, good job to all who did it.

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Bokdan0: @KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: Thanks though i'm surprised that you guys like Sigrid look. Surprise but a welcome one.

@ADudeCalledLeo: Option to compliment his moustache is hidden under the his rock hard arms, thanks.

@semiafro007: Katia pancakes would be good for her standard but slightly worse than anyone else.

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Bokdan0: That is a neat lizard, good job.
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