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Dramatic Descriptions

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Caps: In some far away century, we will reach this part of the story.

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Caps: the shipping is strong in this one.

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Caps: @Zargothrax: I wish I could like a comment here.

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Caps: She looks adorable.
Awesome work. ; )

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Caps: Katia finnaly made her dream come true.

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Caps: @ADudeCalledLeo: Cannibalism is ilegal here, sir.

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Caps: I always loved to see artist sketches.
Really cool sketch. ; )

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Caps: Really cute.

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Caps: Really cool drawing.
I find it a little weird that there is a little of light coming out of her crouch but the drawing still looks cool though.
I like her flufly tail.

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Caps: Watch out, she is gonna activate her Rinnegan.

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Caps: Really cute cat you got there.

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Caps: Really cute story though I don´t get why so many belts.

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Caps: Those clothes look good on her.

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Caps: Cute.

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Caps: I see Kattia has hit bottom here.

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Caps: Ah, crab in the pants.
The oldest trick in the book.
Awesome drawing, though I don't know who is the prankster.

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Caps: She does look very lovely with that swinsuit.

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Caps: At least she will not ended up having sex with thousand of strangers.

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Caps: I always loved girls with ling hair.

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Caps: Poor little rat.
Quill looks really cute though. ; )

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Caps: Quill looks so good as the evil queen of the snakes.

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Caps: She will need time to process the new knowledge.

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Caps: Cute kitty katty.
She look very cute though she is gonna get a cold with this winters.

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Caps: All the girls will be crazy for her and all the boys will be jelaous of her...
Wait! What?!

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Caps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi4Pu58oMsk

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Caps: Also, she is so cute!!!

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Caps: "Come with me if you want to live".
Seen the terminator doing that bike jump was awesome.
Cool reference.

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Caps: Kazerad had streams?

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Caps: She looks so happy and ready for an adventure.
She is really cute too.

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Caps: @Zargothrax: Ah, I see. I had not idea it was from a game. I have never played any of the witcher games. : P

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Caps: Awwww, well, it is not princess' problem she is royalty too. ; P

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Caps: @KuroNeko: Trying to hide it from her husband. It would be awesome. : P

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Caps: This looks really cool.
It is nice to sew Kattia having a normal dream after all.

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Caps: @KuroNeko: that will only make it more interesting. ; )
Like a secret love, they trying to keep their love a secret, meeting each other in hidding places. ; P

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Caps: @KuroNeko: well, in that case, you should draw more of them(if you want). They are very cool. ; )

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Caps: Will this be the end of Kattia Managan?
I love that dramatic pose. ; )

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Caps: She is the lost cat that is wanted in the game.
We have finally found it!

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Caps: She looks really cute and it is a nice trow back in the webcomic. ; )

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Caps: It is very cool and she looks like a badass.
Though I don't know what it is from.
Awesome work. ; )

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Caps: XD just like my dog.
After all, How can you say no to that face? ; P
Really cite drawing.

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Caps: I find this one to be very cute.
I love how Quill raise her head flip things when she see the naked one.
(You may say that Quill is only blushing because she is naked and indecent but it will not stop me from shipping them (WAHAHAHAHA!!!)).

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Caps: Well, isn't she a cute cat.

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Caps: Awesome animation. ; )
You made her strangely kinda cute. ; P

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Caps: It seems Kattia has some competition.

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Caps: The spooks are for real.
Awesome drawing. ; )
Perfect for thw final boss on Quill's dream. ; )

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Caps: What would her lines be?

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Caps: @ADudeCalledLeo: Loading sass, 95%.

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Caps: Also, what are those scribbles that appears in the corner when she opens her mouth.
Is it just scribbles?

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Caps: Really cool animation.
It took me by surprise because I was not expecting something like this here.
Now, imagine the nightmare she would have to go if she needed eyeglasses for all those eyes in weird places.
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