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Dramatic Descriptions

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Cloudheart: How does one even imitate Kaz's art-style. It's so intentionally retro with the sorta-pixelated outline that I get kinda stumped thinking about how to do it in Photoshop or GIMP or something.

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Cloudheart: So many good Paper Mario memories. Why is there no up-doot button?

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Cloudheart: Somehow for this contest I totally forgot Katia could tk stuff

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Cloudheart: Strike. Nice play on words. XD

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Cloudheart: @sapphotrix , I hope you don't mind me peeking into this gif. I really wanted to know how to do the nervous jitter thing.

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Cloudheart: The idea of some -level monstrosity did not even occur to me. 10/10 good sir.

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Cloudheart: so awesome! been reading for a while, never participated. This is a great way, and a great idea :D
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