We are watching you.

Dramatic Descriptions

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: patterns I'm still looking into since they are like tattoos with meaning to me, I want him to be me

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DOOMGUY11: Just hopefully it fades for you I wish mine didn't as much :(

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DOOMGUY11: Tra-ditional? HMMMMM

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DOOMGUY11: Ye@Toryu-Mau: yeah sadly it faded mostly it's been a long time just drew what I remember it being worse

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DOOMGUY11: @TrashPanda545: yeah irl I got the scar in a fight the one that caused me to train and get back ya know? Typical but it faded a bit :(

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DOOMGUY11: And yes most awesome pilot stories are when they have a buddy with em

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: bruh fur real our art skills have gotten better again this is a awesome drawing! For you to consider and do it means alot. I owe you

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DOOMGUY11: @Jadezzar: yup one day dude don't worry

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DOOMGUY11: @Nicros_Man: he/I cant now since where is this place?!

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DOOMGUY11: Physique close to mine

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DOOMGUY11: XD my profile pic fits the reaction to this sketch

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DOOMGUY11: I noticed no one really had whiskers so based the fur and whiskers off my moustache sideburns( facial hair)

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DOOMGUY11: And its above my eyebrow

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DOOMGUY11: Nicros the scar wasn't copied it's based off my real life one( left side) and I added some whiskers but idk this is just one

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DOOMGUY11: Umm sadly the dad's scar is on my OC just on the left(based off my irl one) hopefully you don't get too mad

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DOOMGUY11: Slurp

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DOOMGUY11: @Geravind: then it's a design flaw

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DOOMGUY11: @TrashPanda545: Squidward: OH NO SHES HOT!

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DOOMGUY11: @Jadezzar: sorry I came out aggressive hope you feel better

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DOOMGUY11: @Jadezzar: why you putting yourself down? Don't do that it never helped me you know you can!

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DOOMGUY11: "Strong sexual love... FOR HER!"

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DOOMGUY11: Oh God I meant cute! I like the drawing though

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DOOMGUY11: @Nicros_Man: Nicros if you want help with anything ask anyone here on the booru

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DOOMGUY11: @Jadezzar: idk up to him I'm down for anything. You are good aswell

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DOOMGUY11: Alright guys OC time for me so according to a lil survey I took I'm more khajiit/argonian sooo...

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DOOMGUY11: @DOOMGUY11: ok so took a survey and showed I'm more khajiit/argonian hmm.

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DOOMGUY11: I promise that TM calling me platonic is accurate

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DOOMGUY11: Platonic as heck

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DOOMGUY11: I need an OC but not sure what race would fit me. Nord? Khajiit? Argonian?
Idk but Nicros man got me thinking now

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DOOMGUY11: @TrashPanda545: hell yeah panda! Katia! Let's fly!

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DOOMGUY11: @Doprolol: ok no I cant deal with you XD plz don't even get near her.

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DOOMGUY11: Oh man she ate Blu!

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DOOMGUY11: @Unidentified_BA: blue macaw? The blue spix macaw? RIO anyone?

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DOOMGUY11: If not I'll keep these in the lewd sketch book

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DOOMGUY11: This will possibly be a while until I do another like this but I'll keep these to myself now so kazerad please with your permission allow me? To post a few ?

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: sadly this is my second questionable pic, it was just an idea of how I see my favorite khajiits. Love triangle. Kazerad again I'm sry

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DOOMGUY11: His eyes, wait weren't they blue? Just throwing that out there

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DOOMGUY11: @Doprolol: oh my God Russian doomguy!

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DOOMGUY11: Baths *bats*

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DOOMGUY11: We all got wings on are backs dove's or bath's we choose our wings

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: omg thank you.. this means alot to the branch I'm about to join :')

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DOOMGUY11: It should adjust itself for some reason it's like this

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DOOMGUY11: @Nicros_Man: I hope to see more comics like these they are innocent and nice, maybe how they met? Just saying

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DOOMGUY11: Just a close up of a previous pic sorry!

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DOOMGUY11: Wait katia liked that?!

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DOOMGUY11: Loved*

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DOOMGUY11: That's so Stenghir! I lived rhis scene!

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DOOMGUY11: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Jack didn't need to die XD

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DOOMGUY11: @Rick2tails: ok that's what I thought yeah idk just fooling around
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